

java Programming Glossary: gamepanel

GUI running at 30 fps?


class MainWindow extends JFrame private Game game private GamePanel gamePanel public MainWindow Game game this.game game createAndShowGUI.. contentPane new JPanel new GridBagLayout gamePanel new GamePanel game contentPane.add gamePanel add contentPane pack public class.. extends SwingWorker Point Point private Game game private GamePanel gamePanel public GameSim Game game GamePanel gamePanel this.game..

Java rectangle collision detection confusion


for Entity class which is any object needed to be drawn to GamePanel which is our JPanel where everything is drawn . The updateGame.. class GameLogic public GameLogic initComponents final GamePanel gp new GamePanel 500 500 private void initComponents JFrame.. public GameLogic initComponents final GamePanel gp new GamePanel 500 500 private void initComponents JFrame frame new JFrame..

Threads with Key Bindings


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE create the gamepanel final GamePanel gp new GamePanel 600 500 create panel to hold buttons to start.. create the gamepanel final GamePanel gp new GamePanel 600 500 create panel to hold buttons to start pause and stop.. new GameKeyBindings gp player1Entity player2Entity GamePanel.running.set true start the game loop which will repaint the..

Java Double Buffering


extends Game protected final JFrame frame protected final GamePanel panel protected Graphics2D g2 public class GamePanel extends.. final GamePanel panel protected Graphics2D g2 public class GamePanel extends JPanel public GamePanel super true @Override public.. Graphics2D g2 public class GamePanel extends JPanel public GamePanel super true @Override public void paintComponent Graphics g..

GUI running at 30 fps?


extends JFrame private Game game private GamePanel gamePanel public MainWindow Game game this.game game createAndShowGUI.. private void startGame GameSim gameSim new GameSim game gamePanel gameSim.execute private void createAndShowGUI setTitle Sim game.. false JPanel contentPane new JPanel new GridBagLayout gamePanel new GamePanel game contentPane.add gamePanel add contentPane..

How do I make my custom Swing component visible?


Board gameBoard JFrame gameWindow new JFrame Chess JPanel gamePanel new JPanel JPanel squarePanel new JPanel 8 8 JMenuBar gameMenu.. gameWindow.setSize 400 420 gameWindow.getContentPane .add gamePanel BorderLayout.CENTER gameWindow.getContentPane .add gameMenu.. box for JPanel col squarePanel for JPanel square col gamePanel.add square @SuppressWarnings serial class Box extends JComponent..