

java Programming Glossary: lat

How do I output the location using gps on Android


false Location location lm.getLastKnownLocation bp double lat location.getLatitude double lon location.getLongitude Geocoder.. Address addresses null try addresses gc.getFromLocation lat lon 1 catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. .getLastKnownLocation bestProvider double lat location.getLatitude double lon location.getLongitude Geocoder..

Problem unmarshalling parcelables


String desc protected String dir protected double lat protected double lng public LocationType public int getLocid.. String value this.dir value public double getLat return lat public void setLat double value this.lat value public double.. getLat return lat public void setLat double value this.lat value public double getLng return lng public void setLng double..

How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android?


List NameValuePair params new LinkedList NameValuePair if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf.. if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair lon String.valueOf.. 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair lon String.valueOf lon if..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


SQlite Getting nearest locations with latitude and longitude I don't know if I'm wierd but I haven't.. any topic about the subject. The thing is I have data with lat and lng stored in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest.. to the parameters I put in ex. my current location lat lng . I know that this is possible in MySql and I've done quite..

Java API for Google Maps (or similar)


in is displaying a satellite map of a specific region lon lat on my desktop application. It doesn't have to be google maps.. looking to display a satellite map image for a specific latitude longitude without the google maps panning zooming etc then..