

java Programming Glossary: layeredpane

Absolute Positioning Graphic JPanel Inside JFrame Blocked by Blank Sections


a LayoutManager didn't seem to work. I briefly tried layeredPanes but they confused me and didn't seem to solve the problem... Container pane this.getContentPane private JLayeredPane layeredPane new JLayeredPane public PuzzlePieceDriver ImageIcon myPuzzleImage.. into bufferedImage form puzzle createClip image pane.add layeredPane setVisible true end constructor public static BufferedImage..

setOpaque() in java


opacity setBG Builds the GUI private void initComponents layeredPane new javax.swing.JLayeredPane imageLabel new javax.swing.JLabel.. new javax.swing.JTextArea imageLabel.setBounds 0 0 360 260 layeredPane.add imageLabel javax.swing.JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER scrollPane.setBorder.. textArea scrollPane.setBounds 0 0 360 260 layeredPane.add scrollPane javax.swing.JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER javax.swing.GroupLayout..

How do I make my custom Swing component visible?


implements MouseListener MouseMotionListener JLayeredPane layeredPane JPanel chessBoard JLabel chessPiece int xAdjustment int yAdjustment.. 600 600 Use a Layered Pane for this this application layeredPane new JLayeredPane layeredPane.setPreferredSize boardSize layeredPane.addMouseListener.. for this this application layeredPane new JLayeredPane layeredPane.setPreferredSize boardSize layeredPane.addMouseListener this..

Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?


though to contain A and B. This third panel would be the layeredPane and then panel A and B could still have a nice LayoutManagers...