

java Programming Glossary: latitude

How can I measure distance and create a bounding box based on two latitude+longitude points in Java?


I measure distance and create a bounding box based on two latitude longitude points in Java I am wanting to find the distance.. in order to create a box around the point. java geocoding latitude longitude share improve this question We've had some success..

Covert latitude/longitude point to a pixels (x,y) on mercator projection


latitude longitude point to a pixels x y on mercator projection I'm.. and although I get the correct longitude to pixel the latitude is always off seems to be getting more reasonable though. I.. lat minLat yScale System.out.println final coords x y The latitude seems to be off by about 30px in the example I'm trying.Any..

Java, convert lat/lon to UTM


the solution is not obvious. java geolocation latitude longitude geography geotools share improve this question .. 10 123 int zoneNumber ... zone number example 10 double latitude longitude ... lat lon in degrees MathTransformFactory mtFactory.. .setValue utmZoneCenterLongitude parameters.parameter latitude_of_origin .setValue 0.0 parameters.parameter scale_factor .setValue..

How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android?


double longitude location.getLongitude double latitude location.getLatitude The call to getLastKnownLocation doesn't.. Location location longitude location.getLongitude latitude location.getLatitude lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS..

Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android


intent You can use an actual street address instead of latitude and longitude. However this will give the user a dialog to choose..

JPA/Hibernate Native Queries do not recognize Parameters


query.setParameter lon longitude query.setParameter lat latitude play.exceptions.JavaExecutionException org.hibernate.QueryParameterException.. SetSRID ST_GeomFromEWKT 'POINT f f ' 4326 0.1 longitude latitude Query query Cell.em .createNativeQuery queryString Cell.class..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


SQlite Getting nearest locations with latitude and longitude I don't know if I'm wierd but I haven't found..

Calculate distance in meters when you know longitude and latitude in java [duplicate]


distance in meters when you know longitude and latitude in java duplicate Possible Duplicate Working with latitude.. in java duplicate Possible Duplicate Working with latitude longitude values in Java Duplicate Working with latitude longitude.. latitude longitude values in Java Duplicate Working with latitude longitude values in Java How do I calculate distance between..

Java API for Google Maps (or similar)


looking to display a satellite map image for a specific latitude longitude without the google maps panning zooming etc then you..

GSON parsing without a lot of classes


lng locObj.get lng .getAsString System.out.printf Status s Latitude s Longitude s n status lat lng Plain and simple. If you find..

How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android?


to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android How to get the.. of the mobiledevice in android How to get the current Latitude and Longitude of the mobile device in android java android.. location.getLongitude double latitude location.getLatitude The call to getLastKnownLocation doesn't block which means it..

How to get the remaining battery life in a Windows system?


method. This prints successfully the following at my Latitude E5500 ACLineStatus Online Battery Flag High more than 66 percent..

Getting the current GPS location on Android


public void onLocationChanged Location loc latitude loc.getLatitude longitude loc.getLongitude @Override public void onProviderDisabled.. TODO Auto generated method stub public static double getLatitude return latitude public static double getLongitude return longitude.. LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER tv.append Latitude LocationManagerHelper.getLatitude ' n' tv.append Longitude..

How to get Latitude and Longitude for particular city or street without using google map?


to get Latitude and Longitude for particular city or street without using google.. city or street without using google map How to get Latitude and Longitude for particular city or street or location without.. user entered city name is Chennai and i need to show only Latitude and Longitude for that city. How to do this java java me latitude..

How to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture


to get Latitude and Longitude infromation from picture I want latitude and.. exif ExifInterface.TAG_FLASH n builder.append GPS Latitude getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE n builder.append.. exif ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE n builder.append GPS Latitude Ref getExifTag exif ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF n builder.append..

How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android?


map zoom level private int MAP_DEFAULT_ZOOM 15 Default map Latitude private double MAP_DEFAULT_LATITUDE 38.535350 Default map Longitude..