

java Programming Glossary: saxexception

How to stop parsing xml document with SAX at any time?


share improve this question Create a specialization of a SAXException and throw it you don't have to create your own specialization.. you can specifically catch it yourself and treat other SAXExceptions as actual errors . public class MySAXTerminatorException extends.. errors . public class MySAXTerminatorException extends SAXException ... public void startElement String namespaceUri String localName..

How to pretty print XML from Java?


import org.xml.sax.InputSource import org.xml.sax.SAXException import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.. e throw new RuntimeException e catch SAXException e throw new RuntimeException e catch IOException e throw new..

Make DocumentBuilder.parse ignore DTD references


resolveEntity String publicId String systemId throws SAXException IOException if systemId.contains foo.dtd return new InputSource..

What's the best way to validate an XML file against an XSD file?


System.out.println xmlFile.getSystemId is valid catch SAXException e System.out.println xmlFile.getSystemId is NOT valid System.out.println..

how to disable dtd at runtime in java's xpath?


import org.xml.sax.InputSource import org.xml.sax.SAXException public class Main public static void main String args throws.. resolveEntity String publicId String systemId throws SAXException IOException System.out.println Ignoring publicId systemId ..

JAXB: How to ignore namespace during unmarshalling XML document?


SAXSource reader is return unmarshaller.unmarshal ss catch SAXException e not technically a jaxb exception but close enough throw new..

How do I load an org.w3c.dom.Document from XML in a string?


me. It's good to know if the error came from malformed XML SAXException or just bad IO IOException . public static org.w3c.dom.Document.. loadXMLFrom String xml throws org.xml.sax.SAXException java.io.IOException return loadXMLFrom new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream.. loadXMLFrom java.io.InputStream is throws org.xml.sax.SAXException java.io.IOException javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory..

JAVA SAX parser split calls to characters()


@Override public void startDocument throws SAXException @Override public void endDocument throws SAXException @Override.. SAXException @Override public void endDocument throws SAXException @Override public void startElement String namespaceURI String.. String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException if abc .equalsIgnoreCase localName this.hasABC true @Override..

How to parse XML using the SAX parser


root.getContentHandler return channel catch SAXException e handle the exception catch IOException e handle the exception.. uri String localName String qName Attributes atts throws SAXException content new StringBuilder if localName.equalsIgnoreCase channel.. endElement String uri String localName String qName throws SAXException if localName.equalsIgnoreCase title if inItem item.setTitle..

Java: How to read and write xml files?


pce System.out.println pce.getMessage catch SAXException se System.out.println se.getMessage catch IOException ioe ..

Java - Parsing xml using DOM


.newDocumentBuilder .parse new File file catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch.. import org.w3c.dom.Element import org.xml.sax.SAXException public class XmlDocument private Document document public XmlNode.. XmlException Error in configuration of XML parser e catch SAXException e throw new XmlException Error in parsing XML document e catch..