

java Programming Glossary: scaledimage

Updating an image contained in a JLabel - problems


updateImage String name BufferedImage image null Image scaledImage null JLabel tempImage try image ImageIO.read new File name.. been resized proportionally to my thumbnail constraints scaledImage getScaledImage image THUMB_SIZE_X THUMB_SIZE_Y tempImage new.. THUMB_SIZE_Y tempImage new JLabel new ImageIcon scaledImage swingImage tempImage Then in my createAndShowGUI method that..

JAVA scale Image best practice


eg. 800x600 . The way I do the resize is like this Image scaledImage img.getScaledInstance int width int height Image.SCALE_SMOOTH.. Graphics g imageBuff.createGraphics g.drawImage scaledImage 0 0 new Color 0 0 0 null g.dispose And it works okayish. My..

update data in java class as per change in attribute in the xml file
