

java Programming Glossary: scene

JAVA: Comparison not working when Integer larger than 128


of Integer.valueOf int which is what happens behind the scene Returns a Integer instance representing the specified int value...

Playing audio using JavaFX MediaPlayer in a normal Java application?


Platform.java 52 at javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer.init MediaPlayer.java 445 at javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer... MediaPlayer.java 445 at javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer. init MediaPlayer.java 360 at javaapplication6.JavaApplication6.play.. javafx.event. import javafx.geometry.Pos import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control. import javafx.scene.layout...

Java: Text to Speech engines overview


non Java frameworks with Java bindings are there on the scene Which of them would you recommend Thank you in advance for your..

Passing parameters to a controller when loading an FXML


fxml Main.fxml Parent root Parent fxmlLoader.load Scene scene new Scene root stage.setScene scene stage.show Main.fxml is.. fxmlLoader.load Scene scene new Scene root stage.setScene scene stage.show Main.fxml is bounded to the MainController.java... getController controller.setUser user_id Scene scene new Scene root stage.setScene scene stage.show MainController.java..

How can I use a variable from another Controller in JavaFX


a variable from another Controller in JavaFX I have two scenes Login.fxml and MainView.fxml and two diferent controllers LoginController.java.. the mainViewController the sessionID and replacing the scene contents with the main view. Here is a link to some sample code..

When to use wrapper class and primitive type


may be incorrect or misleading. This will also set the scene for a NullPointerException when something is being used incorrectly..

JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing


import javafx.geometry.Insets import javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control... import javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control. import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellDataFeatures.. javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control. import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellDataFeatures..

How does autowiring work in spring?


of the application context happens behind the scene. UserServiceImpl should also be defined as bean either using..

How to develop multi-touch applications in Java?


.. . It also features a hardware accelerated scene graph similar to JavaFX. You can even simulate multitouch input..

What is the best PDF open source library for Java? [closed]


to view the PDF Converts it to PNG View PDF in to 3D scene Print preview support. It does not support to create or manipulate..

Array of Generic List


ArrayList Key But I can't figure out the reason behind the scene. Especially why the second one is illegal given the first one..

Integrating JavaFX 2.0 WebView into a Swing Java SE 6 Application


import javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel import javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.. import javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine import javafx.scene.web.WebView.. javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine import javafx.scene.web.WebView import javax.swing.JButton..

Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl)


the model transformation matrix and places them in the scene relative to the camera. It's important to realise what we're..

Javafx 2.0 How-to Application.getParameters() in a Controller.java file


FXMLLoader.load getClass .getResource MyView.fxml final Scene scene new javafx.scene.Scene root primaryStage.setScene scene.. MyView.fxml final Scene scene new javafx.scene.Scene root primaryStage.setScene scene primaryStage.show MyController.java.. Scene scene new javafx.scene.Scene root primaryStage.setScene scene primaryStage.show MyController.java simplified public..

Any simple (and up to date) Java frameworks for embedding movies within a Swing Application?


otndocs products javafx oow2010 2.flv stage.setScene new Scene new Group new MediaView oracleVid 540 208 stage.show.. otndocs products javafx oow2010 2.flv stage.setScene new Scene new Group new MediaView oracleVid 540 208 stage.show oracleVid.play..

How to draw a clock with JavaFX 2?


the timeline to cycle indefinitely . Place your Group in a Scene and add the Scene to a Stage. Play your timeline. I created.. indefinitely . Place your Group in a Scene and add the Scene to a Stage. Play your timeline. I created a sample app implementing..

Combo-box key value pair in JavaFX 2


StackPane root.getChildren .add combobox primaryStage.setScene new Scene root 300 250 primaryStage.show public static class.. root.getChildren .add combobox primaryStage.setScene new Scene root 300 250 primaryStage.show public static class Employee..

Compiling and running with JavaFX 2.1


import javafx.application.Application import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control.Label import javafx.stage.Stage.. args @Override public void start Stage stage stage.setScene new Scene new Label Hello World stage.show Compile and run.. @Override public void start Stage stage stage.setScene new Scene new Label Hello World stage.show Compile and run it C dev test..

Playing audio using JavaFX MediaPlayer in a normal Java application?


import javafx.geometry.Pos import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control. import javafx.scene.layout. import.. JFXPanel fxPanel This method is invoked on JavaFX thread Scene scene new SceneGenerator .createScene fxPanel.setScene scene.. This method is invoked on JavaFX thread Scene scene new SceneGenerator .createScene fxPanel.setScene scene public static void..

Passing parameters to a controller when loading an FXML


fxml Main.fxml Parent root Parent fxmlLoader.load Scene scene new Scene root stage.setScene scene stage.show Main.fxml.. Parent root Parent fxmlLoader.load Scene scene new Scene root stage.setScene scene stage.show Main.fxml is bounded to.. Parent fxmlLoader.load Scene scene new Scene root stage.setScene scene stage.show Main.fxml is bounded to the MainController.java...

JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing


import javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control. import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellDataFeatures.. args launch args @Override public void start Stage stage Scene scene new Scene new Group stage.setTitle Table View Sample stage.setWidth.. @Override public void start Stage stage Scene scene new Scene new Group stage.setTitle Table View Sample stage.setWidth 550..

Writing in the beginning of a text file Java


I'm great After modifying I want it to be like this Page 1 Scene 59 25.05.2011 Good afternoon sir how are you today I'm fine..

Integrating JavaFX 2.0 WebView into a Swing Java SE 6 Application


import javafx.scene.Group import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.web.WebEngine import javafx.scene.web.WebView.. void initFX final JFXPanel fxPanel Group group new Group Scene scene new Scene group fxPanel.setScene scene WebView webView.. JFXPanel fxPanel Group group new Group Scene scene new Scene group fxPanel.setScene scene WebView webView new WebView group.getChildren..

Highlighting Strings in JavaFX TextArea


public void handle MouseEvent t t.consume stage.setScene new Scene text stage.show Platform.runLater new Runnable @Override.. void handle MouseEvent t t.consume stage.setScene new Scene text stage.show Platform.runLater new Runnable @Override public..