

java Programming Glossary: scatteradd

Adding points to XYSeries dynamically with JfreeChart


@see http stackoverflow.com questions 7071057 public class ScatterAdd extends JFrame private static final int N 8 private static final.. Random private XYSeries added new XYSeries Added public ScatterAdd String s super s final ChartPanel chartPanel createDemoPanel.. new Runnable @Override public void run ScatterAdd demo new ScatterAdd title demo.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..

Setting Range for X,Y Axis-JfreeChart


@see http stackoverflow.com questions 7071057 public class ScatterAdd extends JFrame private static final int N 8 private static final.. Random private XYSeries added new XYSeries Added public ScatterAdd String s super s final ChartPanel chartPanel createDemoPanel.. new Runnable @Override public void run ScatterAdd demo new ScatterAdd title demo.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..

How to set same scale for domain and range axes JFreeChart


@see http stackoverflow.com questions 7071057 public class ScatterAdd extends JFrame private static final int N 8 private static final.. Random private XYSeries added new XYSeries Added public ScatterAdd String s super s final ChartPanel chartPanel createDemoPanel.. new Runnable @Override public void run ScatterAdd demo new ScatterAdd title demo.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..