

java Programming Glossary: scalefactor

How to increase/decrease brightness of image using JSlider in java?


void setValue float value bufferedImage bImage float scaleFactor float 1.0 value 10.0 op new RescaleOp scaleFactor 0 null bufferedImage.. float scaleFactor float 1.0 value 10.0 op new RescaleOp scaleFactor 0 null bufferedImage op.filter bufferedImage null repaint .. ChangeEvent e float value float slider.getValue float scaleFactor 2 value slider.getMaximum RescaleOp op new RescaleOp scaleFactor..

Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image


paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g double scaleFactor Math.min 1d getScaleFactorToFit new Dimension image.getWidth.. getSize int scaleWidth int Math.round image.getWidth scaleFactor int scaleHeight int Math.round image.getHeight scaleFactor Image.. scaleFactor int scaleHeight int Math.round image.getHeight scaleFactor Image scaled image.getScaledInstance scaleWidth scaleHeight..

How do I resize images inside an application when the application window is resized?


paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent g double scaleFactor Math.min 1d getScaleFactorToFit new Dimension image.getWidth.. Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight getSize double scaleFactor Math.min 1d getScaleFactorToFill new Dimension image.getWidth.. getSize int scaleWidth int Math.round image.getWidth scaleFactor int scaleHeight int Math.round image.getHeight scaleFactor Image..

Adjust brightness and contrast of BufferedImage in Java


image image Source and destination are the same. A scaleFactor of 1.2 and offset of 15 seems to make the image about a stop..

Slick2D and JBox2D. How to draw


Vec2 screenV return new Vec2 screenV.x offset.x scaleFactor yFlip screenV.y offset.y scaleFactor public Vec2 worldToScreen.. screenV.x offset.x scaleFactor yFlip screenV.y offset.y scaleFactor public Vec2 worldToScreen Vec2 worldV return new Vec2 worldV.x.. Vec2 worldToScreen Vec2 worldV return new Vec2 worldV.x scaleFactor offset.x yFlip worldV.y scaleFactor offset.y I also happen to..