

java Programming Glossary: scan.nextint

Drawing a graphical histogram


fileName typefile scan.next iname scan.next width scan.nextInt height scan.nextInt maxshade scan.nextInt array new int width.. scan.next iname scan.next width scan.nextInt height scan.nextInt maxshade scan.nextInt array new int width height for int r.. width scan.nextInt height scan.nextInt maxshade scan.nextInt array new int width height for int r 0 r array.length r for..

java.util.NoSuchElementException - Scanner reading user input


System.out.print Get input and set qty for the object qty scan.nextInt while qty 0 Validation p.setQty qty Set qty for object qty..

How to insist that a users input is an int?


as follows Scanner scan new Scanner System.in int input scan.nextInt And continue on with my program and everything works fine. Unfortunately..

non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context


menu System.out.print tEnter your selection option scan.nextInt Keep reading data until the user enters 0 while option 0 switch.. menu System.out.print tEnter your selection option scan.nextInt end of while end of main public static void readFile int i 0.. enter the number you would like to search for ie 350 key scan.nextInt end of inside while base if low high mid low high 2 if key list..