

java Programming Glossary: sidenote

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no *****.dll in java.library.path


latter type of UnsatisfiedLinkError explained above. As a sidenote most people put their loadLibrary calls into a static initializer..

Internal implementation of java.util.HashMap and HashSet


in identical hashcodes for unequal objects . Practical sidenote eclipse and probably other IDEs as well can auto generate a..

Mock Runtime.getRuntime()?


can easily provide a mock and set it as a dependency. As a sidenote I'd suggest watching this lecture on OO Design for testability..

Permutation algorithm without recursion? Java


Hibernate 3.5.x: NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval


unit tests here What am I missing indulgent_rant As a sidenote it's very frustrating that every time I upgrade Hibernate I..

Want to know whether enough memory is free on a linux machine to deploy a new application


can be used without forcing active processes to swap. As a sidenote there are also about 760 MB of rarely used data that have been..

Java unchecked/checked exception clarification


be displayed I would check the input and not throw. On a sidenote I never throw DivideByZeroException nor NullPointerException..