

java Programming Glossary: sig

Validating a certificate in java throws an exception - unable to find valid certificate path to requested target


by the client is client.crt and the cerificate used to sign the client.crt certificate is the ca.crt which is present in.. and caCert where you want to verify that serverCert was signed by the private key matching the public key in caCert . The.. Signature algorithm serverCert.getSigAlgName Signature sig Signature.getInstance serverCert.getSigAlgName sig.initVerify..

Signal handling using “TERM”


system by start shutdown . I came to know that by using signalhandlers we can do it. Can some one help me how to use signal.. we can do it. Can some one help me how to use signal handlers Thanking you chaithu java signals share improve.. me how to use signal handlers Thanking you chaithu java signals share improve this question Update May 2012 2 and half..

generics, method signatures, assignments


method signatures assignments I thought I understood this but obviously.. method signatures assignments I thought I understood this but obviously not... I have.. I understood this but obviously not... I have a method signature like so void doSomething List TypeA typeAs ... List TypeA..

Implement OAuth in Java


MY_CONSUMER_KEY oauth_nonce String.valueOf millis oauth_signature oauth_signature_method HMAC SHA1 oauth_timestamp String.valueOf.. oauth_nonce String.valueOf millis oauth_signature oauth_signature_method HMAC SHA1 oauth_timestamp String.valueOf time.. time oauth_version 1.0 Generation of the signature base string String signature_base_string POST URLEncoder.encode..

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


callId new GregorianCalendar .getTimeInMillis 1000L String sig api_key apiKey call_id callId method method nonce nonce session_key.. session_key sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig sig sig.toUpperCase catch NoSuchAlgorithmException.. sessionKey v version applicationSecret try sig md5 sig sig sig.toUpperCase catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e throw..

How do I verify Android In-app Billing with a server with Ruby?


in JSON with the order details and a cryptographic signature. In the Security.java class the verify function is making.. come from the Android market application by verifying the signature using your public key. If you want to use your own server.. use your own server in the mix you simply need to pass the signature and json payload to your server and verify the json payload..