

java Programming Glossary: size_t

Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range


#include iterator inline void foo const signed char arr size_t sz std copy_n arr sz std ostream_iterator int std cout n inline.. the JNI it generates. typemap jtype const signed char arr size_t sz byte typemap jstype const signed char arr size_t sz byte.. arr size_t sz byte typemap jstype const signed char arr size_t sz byte typemap jni const signed char arr size_t sz jbyteArray..

AES gets different results in iOS and Java


'e' 'B' 'e' 's' 't' 'S' 'e' 'c' 'r' 'e' 't' 'K' 'e' 'y' size_t bufferSize 16 void buffer malloc bufferSize size_t numBytesEncrypted.. 'e' 'y' size_t bufferSize 16 void buffer malloc bufferSize size_t numBytesEncrypted 0 const char iv2 16 65 1 2 23 4 5 6 7 32 21..

Find all combinations of a given set of numbers


ARRSIZE values if scanf d valuesNumber 1 valuesNumber 1 size_t valuesNumber ARRSIZE values fputs Invalid value. n stderr return..

How can I make my AES encryption identical between Java and Objective-C (iPhone)?


That's why we need to add the size of one block here size_t bufferSize dataLength kCCBlockSizeAES128 void buffer malloc.. kCCBlockSizeAES128 void buffer malloc bufferSize size_t numBytesEncrypted 0 CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus CCCrypt kCCEncrypt..

Best way to throw exceptions in JNI code?


java lang NoSuchMethodError LPTSTR msgBuf jint retCode size_t nMallocSize exClass env FindClass env exClassName if exClass..

Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint?


uint32_t x uint32_t y uint32_t z 0 class sha1 static const size_t hash_size 5 static const size_t min_pad 64 static const size_t.. 0 class sha1 static const size_t hash_size 5 static const size_t min_pad 64 static const size_t block_bits 512 static const size_t.. hash_size 5 static const size_t min_pad 64 static const size_t block_bits 512 static const size_t block_bytes block_bits 8..

Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG?


bool Func1 void Func2 bool class MyObj2 MyObj2 MyObj1 ssize_t Func uint8_t size_t MyObj1 The actual interface is a bit more.. Func2 bool class MyObj2 MyObj2 MyObj1 ssize_t Func uint8_t size_t MyObj1 The actual interface is a bit more complicated but this..

What is stored on heap and what is stored on stack? [closed]


20.0 stored in initialized data segment int main size_t fp const char strlen fp is an auto variable that is allocated..