

java Programming Glossary: sleeptime

accessing variables and swing components through different threads


this private volatile double altitude private long sleepTime private double delta public Gravity long sleepTime double delta.. long sleepTime private double delta public Gravity long sleepTime double delta this.sleepTime sleepTime this.delta delta @Override.. delta public Gravity long sleepTime double delta this.sleepTime sleepTime this.delta delta @Override public void run while true..

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new Vector Fish Thread thread boolean runOk true int sleepTime 110 Fish fish Aquarium set the title and assign tracker object.. fishes.elementAt loopIndex fish.swim try Thread.sleep sleepTime catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage repaint.. Fish fishes new Vector Fish NUMNBER_OF_FISHIES private int sleepTime 110 public Aquarium set the title and assign tracker object..