

java Programming Glossary: slickexception

Java rectangle collision detection confusion


void init GameContainer gc StateBasedGame sbg throws SlickException worldMap new Image res world.png Image walkUp new Image res.. GameContainer gc StateBasedGame sbg Graphics g throws SlickException worldMap.draw buckyPositionX buckyPositionY position 0 0 bucky.draw.. GameContainer gc StateBasedGame sbg int delta throws SlickException Input input gc.getInput up if input.isKeyDown Input.KEY_UP bucky..

Is there a way of placing a video in my Java game main menu


void init GameContainer gc StateBasedGame sbg throws SlickException bg new Image res croftbg.png public void render GameContainer.. GameContainer gc StateBasedGame sbg Graphics g throws SlickException bg.draw 0 0 g.drawString mouse 10 50 COORDS if needed public.. GameContainer gc StateBasedGame sbg int delta throws SlickException int posX Mouse.getX int posY Mouse.getY mouse mouse pos posX..

Slick2D and JBox2D. How to draw


container StateBasedGame game Graphics g throws SlickException g.setBackground Color.white g.pushTransform g.translate worldToScreen..