

java Programming Glossary: so

Why JSF calls getters multiple times


component like this h outputText value # ManagedBean.someProperty If I print a log message when the getter for someProperty.. If I print a log message when the getter for someProperty is called and load the page it is trivial to notice.. DEBUG 2010 01 18 23 31 40 104 ManagedBean.java 13 Getting some property DEBUG 2010 01 18 23 31 40 104 ManagedBean.java 13..

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?


298 at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process Http11Processor.java 852 at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol.. Http11Processor.java 852 at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol Http11ConnectionHandler.process.. x www form urlencoded . The request.getParameter and consorts would all return null when using multipart form data. Don't..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


NullPointerException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and consorts yourself. Preparing We first need to know at least the URL.. value format and be concatenated by . You would normally also URL encode the query parameters with the specified charset using.. type hidden elements into the query string and of course also the name value pair of the input type submit element which you'd..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


Java Code in JSP Files I'm new to Java EE and I know that something like the following three lines x 1 request.getParameter.. there exists a method to avoid Java code in JSP files. Can someone please tell me the alternative JSP 2 lines and how this.. cluttered duplicated code logic. Sun Oracle itself also recommends in the JSP coding conventions to avoid use of scriptlets..

Generating random numbers in a range with Java


is assigned values smaller than minimum . How do I solve this problem I have tried also browsing through the archive.. than minimum . How do I solve this problem I have tried also browsing through the archive and found Expand a random range.. numbers uniformly over an entire range But I couldn't solve the problem. java range random share improve this question..

How to use Servlets and Ajax?


and I have the following question Whenever I print something inside the servlet and call it by the webbrowser it returns.. is ready loading then execute the following function... '#somebutton' .click function Locate HTML DOM element with ID somebutton.. .click function Locate HTML DOM element with ID somebutton and assign the following function to its click event.....

How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?


Rule 2 Always run with XX PrintCompilation verbose gc etc. so you can verify that the compiler and other parts of the JVM.. at the beginning and end of timing and warmup phases so you can verify that there is no output from Rule 2 during the.. the code yourself before forming theories about what makes something faster or slower. Rule 7 Reduce noise in your measurements...

How to choose the right bean scope?


as the web application runs. Which scope to choose depends solely on the data the state the bean holds and represents. Use.. scoped data would make it to be shared among all users so anyone else can see each other's data which is just plain wrong... shared among all tabs windows in a single browser session so the enduser may experience inconsitenties when interacting with..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


sqlite share improve this question EDIT You can find source code sample project here . NOTE Before trying this code.. that you have a copy of the database in the assets folder so for example if your database name is ordersDB then the value.. mOutput.close mInput.close Open the database so we can query it public boolean openDataBase throws SQLException..

The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice?


developing an application which displays images and plays sounds from a database. I'm trying to decide whether to use a separate.. list tree etc. selections for items that have an associated component. Flipping between no component and visible component... above will minimize restore according to the parent doing so. As items in a JList simple example below . As nodes in a JTree..

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


thought this might be just a language or compiler anomaly. So I tried it in Java import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Random.. appropriately. Trains are heavy and have a lot of inertia. So they take forever to start up and slow down. Is there a better.. Modern processors are complicated and have long pipelines. So they take forever to warm up and slow down . Is there a better..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


in general is actually shared across multiple processes. So how much memory a processes uses is really not clear. Add on.. Binders 141 Proxy Binders 158 Death Recipients 49 OpenSSL Sockets 0 SQL heap 205 dbFiles 0 numPagers 0 inactivePageKB 0 activePageKB..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


here and the Oracle tutorial is too concise about it. So how do I use it to fire and handle HTTP requests Are there other.. The server side session is usually backed by a cookie. Some web forms require that you're logged in and or are tracked..

How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading


you can specify in web.xml which defaults to 30 minutes. So when the client doesn't visit the webapp anymore for over 30.. which is as long as the browser instance is running. So when the client closes the browser instance all tabs windows..

JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense?


to generate HTML starting with UIViewRoot#encodeAll . So JSF UI components and JSTL tags doesn't run in sync as you'd..

How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?


SDK download at Oracle.com basically contains Glassfish. So if you happen to already have downloaded Java EE SDK then you..

Scanner issue when using nextLine after nextXXX


the input.nextInt command it only reads the int value. So when you continue reading with input.nextLine you receive the.. reading with input.nextLine you receive the n Enter key. So to skip this you have to add the input.nextLine . Hope this..

Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing?


I haven't found any comprehensive analysis of the subject. So I have the following questions Should I completely avoid the.. those methods The methods have been defined for a reason. So when should I use them In which context For what purposes What.. code The methods have been defined for a reason. So when should I use them In which context For what purposes don't..

Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything


any help. I've scanned many similar questions on SO without seeing this particular behavior. More info I've checked..

Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS


at answers similar to the figures in a related question on SO . As to why a 32 bit JVM is used instead of a 64 bit one the..

How to compare two Dates without the time portion?


first second Use Joda Time is the basis of almost all SO questions which ask about java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar..

Android Thread for a timer


nice for things like this. Also when posting a question on SO statements like it doesn't work. are very vague and often unhelpful...

Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask


to create a callback when these values are updated. This SO answer covers how to do this Does that mean that any values..

Example images for code and mark-up Q&As


images for common use mostly from existing answers on SO. Icons Simple Geometric shapes generated using Java as originally..

Which Html Parser is best? [closed]


Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet


cycle is needed here. script var dd2options dd2optionsAsJSObject var dd3options dd3optionsAsJSObject function dd1change.. dd2optionsAsJSObject var dd3options dd3optionsAsJSObject function dd1change dd1 Fill dd2 options based on selected.. 2nd dropdown from the database return it back as XML or JSON string. Finally let Javascript display the values in the 2nd..

Why can Java Collections not directly store Primitives types?


is IMPORTANT to many programmers. A good explanation on SO already http stackoverflow.com questions 1040384 why do some..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers Searching SO and Google I've found that there are a few Java HTML parsers..

Right way to implement equals contract


Classes implementing equals and hashCode Related SO question Overriding equals and hashCode in Java share improve..

How to use Servlets and Ajax?


years it's more than often Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON . Basically you let JS execute an asynchronous HTTP request.. based on jQuery. JSP DOCTYPE html html lang en head title SO question 4112686 title script src http code.jquery.com jquery.. of the div get updated with the servlet response. With JSON instead of plaintext as response format you can even get some..

What is the best approach for using an Enum as a singleton in Java?


a singleton in Java Building on what has been written in SO question Best Singleton Implementation In Java namely about..

Avoid synchronized(this) in Java?


synchronized this in Java Whenever a question pops up on SO about Java synchronization some people are very eager to point..

Left padding integers with zeros in Java


probably simple and as a parallel task I'm googling it but SO is super quick when it comes to inane questions I should know..

Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows


with testing. I have seen a few solutions online including SO yet none seem to do the trick while some other seem very lengthy..

Where can I find a Java decompiler? [duplicate]


Why would a static inner interface be used in Java?


developer is out of reach. Therefore I have to ask SO What are the semantics behind a static interface What would..

Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate]


is provided by @Dyarish Infact he linked to another SO thread which I havent seen before. But the funny thing is that.. getWindow .setSoftInputMode WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE For me the second solution looked..

What are good InstallAnywhere replacements for installing a Java EE application?


share improve this question In this case unfortunately SO didn't tell us much that we didn't know already and indeed the..