

java Programming Glossary: somekey

Internal implementation of java.util.HashMap and HashSet


value is mapped in the hash table And when we do myMap.get someKey java is internally calling someKey.hashCode to get the number.. when we do myMap.get someKey java is internally calling someKey.hashCode to get the number in the Hash table to be looked for..

Load properties file in JAR?


e e.printStackTrace someProperty props.getProperty someKey The properties file is in my src main resources directory of..

Persistent cookies from a servlet in IE


.getExternalContext .getResponse Cookie cookie new Cookie someKey someValue cookie.setMaxAge 7 24 60 60 response.addCookie cookie..

Creating an XML document using namespaces in Java


element new Element SomeElement sNS element.setAttribute someKey someValue Namespace.getNamespace someONS someOtherNamespace.. someNS someNamespace element2.setAttribute someKey someValue sNS element.addContent element2 doc.addContent element.. someNamespace xmlns someONS someOtherNamespace someONS someKey someValue someNS SomeElement someNS someKey someValue someNS..