

java Programming Glossary: somevalue

How to tell Jackson to ignore a field during serialization if its value is null?


it is null but will serialize it otherwise private String someValue java jackson share improve this question To suppress serializing..

Hibernate Criteria and multiple join


d join_between_c_d .add Restrictions.eq some_field_of_D someValue Note b c and d in code above refer to attribute names in A B..

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?


only override hashCode then when you call myMap.put first someValue it takes first calculates its hashCode and stores it in a given.. equals is overriden then when you call myMap.put first someValue first will hash to some bucket and when you call myMap.put second..

Reusing a PreparedStatement multiple times


sql preparedStatement.setObject 1 someValue preparedStatement.executeQuery preparedStatement.close instead.. preparedStatement.setObject 1 someValue preparedStatement.executeQuery preparedStatement.close my question.. sql for int i 0 i 1000 i preparedStatement.setObject 1 someValue preparedStatement.addBatch preparedStatement.executeBatch preparedStatement.close..

Persistent cookies from a servlet in IE


.getResponse Cookie cookie new Cookie someKey someValue cookie.setMaxAge 7 24 60 60 response.addCookie cookie This works..

Declare an object inside or outside a loop?


penalty for the following code snippet for int i 0 i someValue i Object o someList.get i o.doSomething Or does this code actually.. this code actually make more sense Object o for int i 0 i someValue i o someList.get i o.doSomething If in byte code these two are..

Creating an XML document using namespaces in Java


new Element SomeElement sNS element.setAttribute someKey someValue Namespace.getNamespace someONS someOtherNamespace Element element2.. someNS someNamespace element2.setAttribute someKey someValue sNS element.addContent element2 doc.addContent element produces.. xmlns someONS someOtherNamespace someONS someKey someValue someNS SomeElement someNS someKey someValue someNS SomeElement..