

java Programming Glossary: sortedmap

Java: SortedMap, TreeMap, Comparable? How to use?


SortedMap TreeMap Comparable How to use I have a list of objects I need.. to properties of one of their fields. I've heard that SortedMap and Comparators are the best way to do this. Do I implement.. or do I create a new class How do I instantiate the SortedMap and pass in the Comparator How does the sorting work Will it..

How does Java order items in a HashMap or a HashTable?


into the map insertion order . java.util.TreeMap a SortedMap uses either natural or custom ordering of the keys. The map..

How to do inclusive range queries when only half-open range is supported (ala SortedMap.subMap)


range queries when only half open range is supported ala SortedMap.subMap On SortedMap.subMap This is the API for SortedMap K.. only half open range is supported ala SortedMap.subMap On SortedMap.subMap This is the API for SortedMap K V .subMap SortedMap K.. SortedMap.subMap On SortedMap.subMap This is the API for SortedMap K V .subMap SortedMap K V subMap K fromKey K toKey Returns a..

TreeMap sort by value


TreeMap itself sort on the values since that defies the SortedMap specification A Map that further provides a total ordering on..

Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and SortedMap in Java


between HashMap LinkedHashMap and SortedMap in Java What is the difference between these three I don't.. m1.put schildt java2s print m1.keySet print m1.values SortedMap sm new TreeMap sm.put map TreeMap sm.put schildt java2 sm.put.. supplied Comparator . Additionally it implements the SortedMap interface which contains methods that depend on this sort order...

Get values for keys within a range in Java


improve this question It looks like you want more than a SortedMap you want a NavigableMap Specifically you can use the floorKey..

how to sort Map values by key in Java


answer Technically you can use anything that implements SortedMap but except for rare cases this amounts to TreeMap just as using..