

java Programming Glossary: someservice

Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean


@RequestScoped public class SomeBean @Inject private SomeService someService Automatic injection like that defined above can..

How can I easily mock out a static method in Java (jUnit4)


I'm using Spring 2.5 and JUnit 4.4 @Service public class SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService public Object doSomething Logger.getLogger.. JUnit 4.4 @Service public class SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService public Object doSomething Logger.getLogger this.class a static..

dependency inject servlet listener


HttpSessionListener HttpSessionAttributeListener private SomeService someService private AnotherService anotherService remaining.. XML file. I would like to inject the beans that implement SomeService and AnotherService into MyServletListener is this possible .. HttpSessionListener @Autowired private SomeService someService @Autowired private AnotherService anotherService..

What use are EJBs


in Java EE. A rather contrived example @Stateless public SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService someServiceMethod delegate.doSomething.. example @Stateless public SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService someServiceMethod delegate.doSomething public SomeServiceDelegate.. SomeService someServiceMethod delegate.doSomething public SomeServiceDelegate implements SomeService someServiceMethod modelObject.doSomething..