

java Programming Glossary: soapmessage

Working Soap client example


url http ws.cdyne.com emailverify Emailvernotestemail.asmx SOAPMessage soapResponse soapConnection.call createSOAPRequest url print.. System.out soapConnection.close private static SOAPMessage createSOAPRequest throws Exception MessageFactory messageFactory.. MessageFactory messageFactory MessageFactory.newInstance SOAPMessage soapMessage messageFactory.createMessage SOAPPart soapPart soapMessage.getSOAPPart..

Changing the default XML namespace prefix generated with JAXWS


and in the handleMessage method you can modify the SOAPMessage . I'm not sure if you can modify directly that prefix but you.. can try public class MySoapHandler implements SOAPHandler SOAPMessageContext @Override public boolean handleMessage SOAPMessageContext.. SOAPMessageContext @Override public boolean handleMessage SOAPMessageContext soapMessageContext try SOAPMessage message soapMessageContext.getMessage..

Is it possible to use jax-ws to generate xml, but NOT send it out


out. public class LoggingHandler implements SOAPHandler SOAPMessageContext change this to redirect output if desired private static.. QName getHeaders return null public boolean handleMessage SOAPMessageContext smc logToSystemOut smc return true public boolean handleFault.. logToSystemOut smc return true public boolean handleFault SOAPMessageContext smc logToSystemOut smc return true nothing to clean up..