

java Programming Glossary: splits

Extending Hadoop's TableInputFormat to scan with a prefix used for distribution of timestamp keys


JobContext context throws IOException List InputSplit splits new ArrayList InputSplit Scan scan getScan byte startRow scan.getStartRow.. scan.setStopRow prefixedStopRow setScan scan splits.addAll super.getSplits context return splits and Configuration.. setScan scan splits.addAll super.getSplits context return splits and Configuration config HBaseConfiguration.create Job job new..

Implementation for CombineFileInputFormat Hadoop 0.20.205


org. using Hadoop 0.20.205 this is to create large splits from very small log files text in lines using EMR. It is surprising..

JAVA: How to scale threads according to cpu cores?


Now you can create a loop that generates a new Thread and splits the work off for that thread and fires off the thread. Here's..

Java Counting # of occurrences of a word in a string


length of the array because N occurrences of the delimiter splits the string into N 1 parts. As for the regex itself i.e. the..

Backreferences in lookbehind


use re.split directly because Python's re.split never splits on an empty match but I think I found a bug in re.sub r re.compile..

Execute external program from Java


is the simple minded way that that Runtime.exec String splits a command line into arguments. If you were to run that command..

How does the Garbage-First Garbage Collector work?


g1gc share improve this question The collector splits the heap up into fixed size regions and tracks the live data..

string to string array conversion in java


To start you off on your assignment String.split splits strings on a regular expression this expression may be an empty..

Java execute a command with a space in the pathname


. If you use Runtime.exec String command Java only splits the command on whitespace. the command string is broken into..

Java: How to convert comma separated String to ArrayList


String items Arrays.asList str.split s s The above code splits the string on a delimiter defined as zero or more whitespace..

The split() method in Java does not work on a dot (.)


share improve this question java.lang.String.split splits on regular expressions and . in a regular expression means any..

Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java


I have a simple Java program that reads in a text file splits it by spaces displays the first word waits 2 seconds displays..