

java Programming Glossary: textview

Android custom ListView unable to click on items


android layout_weight 1 android layout_height fill_parent TextView android id @ id UpdateNameText android layout_width wrap_content.. 1 android textSize 18sp android gravity center_vertical TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height 0dip.. UpdateItem item items.get position if item null TextView upper TextView row.findViewById R.id.UpdateNameText TextView..

Android Thread for a timer


setContentView R.layout.main min 5 sec 0 final TextView timer1 TextView findViewById R.id.timer1 timer1.setText min.. R.layout.main min 5 sec 0 final TextView timer1 TextView findViewById R.id.timer1 timer1.setText min sec Thread t new..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView public class SetRowsCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter SetRows.. parent false holder new ImageHolder holder.txtTitle TextView row.findViewById R.id.txtTitle holder.imgIcon ImageView row.findViewById.. ImageView row.findViewById R.id.imgIcon holder.txtID TextView row.findViewById R.id.txtModDate row.setTag holder else holder..

Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android)


fonts share improve this question You can extend TextView to set custom fonts as I learned here . TextViewPlus.java package.. extend TextView to set custom fonts as I learned here . TextViewPlus.java package com.example import android.content.Context.. import android.util.Log import android.widget.TextView public class TextViewPlus extends TextView private static final..

custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order


layout_width fill_parent android orientation vertical TextView android id @ id pageDetails android layout_width fill_parent.. layout_marginRight 8dp android src @drawable loading TextView android id @ id price android layout_width wrap_content android.. layout_alignParentBottom true android singleLine true TextView android id @ id date android layout_width wrap_content android..

Line-breaking widget layout for Android


mlp.setMargins 0 0 2 0 for int i 0 i 10 i TextView t new TextView this t.setText Hello t.setBackgroundColor Color.RED.. mlp.setMargins 0 0 2 0 for int i 0 i 10 i TextView t new TextView this t.setText Hello t.setBackgroundColor Color.RED t.setSingleLine.. import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TextView public class Predicate extends Activity Called when the activity..

How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist?


a arraylist of data that i display using a combination of textview and checkbox. This is done using custom adapter which basically..

Html.ImageGetter TextView


ENOENT No such file or directory java android android textview share improve this question the easiest solution is import..

How do I output the location using gps on Android


gps on Android I am trying to output the location into a textview. I have used the locationManager.toString but it would only..

Android: TextView automatically truncate and replace last 3 char of String


since this must be a common problem. java android textview share improve this question You should be able to use the..

Display HTML Formatted String


to return a spanned and then set the text of your textview using the toString of the returned Spanned object like so to..

Android: Add a textview to linear layout programmatically


Add a textview to linear layout programmatically I am trying to add TextViews..

Custom fonts in android


fonts in android I am trying to use custom fonts in a textview tv TextView findViewById res Typeface font Typeface.createFromAsset..

ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter?


parent false ViewHolder holder new ViewHolder holder.textview CheckedTextView v.findViewById android.R.id.text1 v.setTag holder.. completed Util.intToBool cursor.getInt completedCol holder.textview.setText title holder.textview.setChecked completed @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#runQueryOnBackgroundThread.. completedCol holder.textview.setText title holder.textview.setChecked completed @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#runQueryOnBackgroundThread..

How to change a TextView's style at runtime


I would like to apply a defined style. I thought to find a textview.setStyle but it doesn't exists. I tried textview.setTextAppearance.. to find a textview.setStyle but it doesn't exists. I tried textview.setTextAppearance but it does not work. java android textview.. but it does not work. java android textview share improve this question I did this by creating a new..

Android : get the height of the textview


get the height of the textview I got some text that has to be put in the textview i did that.. of the textview I got some text that has to be put in the textview i did that using setText method of the TextView Now i got to.. there anyway to get the height of the text present in the textview Forgive me if there are any mistakes or errors in the above..

How can I implement this UI in Android


7dp shape Now make another xml file in which set textview and edittext . main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..

Issue when using a custom font - “native typeface cannot be made”


it HERE .. the file is .ttf java android listview fonts textview share improve this question The font file is either corrupt..

Android resource not found exception?


even though the resource is definitely there. It is a textview in a layout next to another textview one of the textviews I.. there. It is a textview in a layout next to another textview one of the textviews I can find by id but the other shows resource.. a textview in a layout next to another textview one of the textviews I can find by id but the other shows resource not found. Is..

How do I make my textview support telugu font?


do I make my textview support telugu font I fetched some data from JSON and added..

using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number


displayed in my listview 2 displaying that number in a textview in a new activity Sorry if my code is difficult to understand..

custom checkbox difficulty in android


R.layout.row_checkbox parent false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1_check textView.setText.. textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1_check textView.setText values.get position ImageView imageView ImageView rowView.findViewById.. R.layout.row_checkbox parent false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1_check CheckBox chk..

How can I test the result of a button click that changes the Activity's view asynchronously?


is to use Thread.sleep public void testFoo TextView textView TextView myActivity.findViewById com.company.app.R.id.text assertEquals.. assertEquals text should be empty textView.getText simulate a button click which start an AsyncTask and..

Html.ImageGetter TextView


mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView TextView findViewById R.id.scrollView1 textView.setText Html.fromHtml.. TextView textView TextView findViewById R.id.scrollView1 textView.setText Html.fromHtml mPost imgGetter null private ImageGetter..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


dataObject public DistanceArrayAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList Constant dataObject super context textViewResourceId.. ArrayList Constant dataObject super context textViewResourceId dataObject this.context context @Override public View.. R.layout.category_row parent false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1 TextView textView1..

Scroll TextView to text position


savedInstanceState final int position 500 final TextView textView new TextView this final ScrollView scrollView new ScrollView.. scrollView new ScrollView this scrollView.addView textView Button button new Button this button.setText Scroll to position.. for int i 0 i 1000 i builder.append String.format 05d i textView.setText builder setContentView layout button.setOnClickListener..

Android: Multiple simultaneous count-down timers in a ListView


Event items public EventAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList Event items super context textViewResourceId.. int textViewResourceId ArrayList Event items super context textViewResourceId items this.items items @Override public View getView.. new Runnable public void run MyData myData TextView textView if counters are active if mCountersActive if mCounterList..