

java Programming Glossary: thank

bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android


Can I add JRadioButton into JTable


am using NetBeans and backend MySQL. Please help me. Edit Thank you but I have no idea about how to group JRadioButton . Can..

Copying files from one directory to another in Java


There seems not to be such a function or I couldn't find . Thank you. boolean success false File reviews dir.listFiles String..

java.util.zip - Recreating directory structure


of getname but changing that gives me an empty zip file. Thank you very much for your help and thank you for correcting my..

HTML/XML Parser for Java [closed]


simple object oriented API What parser you think is better Thank you. java html xml dom parsing share improve this question..

StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: AC


I'd really appreciate some help in fixing this bug. Thank you. Before that one line I'm just creating the input and..

File.separator vs Slash in Paths


why should one ever use want to use File.separator . Thank you. java share improve this question With the Java libraries..

custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order


true android gravity center RelativeLayout Thank you for your time java android listview share improve this..

Validating input using java.util.Scanner


number sc.nextInt while number 0 System.out.println Thank you Got number Here's an example session Please enter a positive.. That's not a number 3 Please enter a positive number 5 Thank you Got 5 Note how much easier Scanner.hasNextInt is to use.. a vowel sc.next String vowel sc.next System.out.println Thank you Got vowel Here's an example session Please enter a vowel..

Differences in boolean operators: & vs && and | vs ||


what are and Please explain these to me with an example. Thank you in advance. java operators bitwise operators boolean logic.. 110 System.out.println c 4 System.out.println d 6 EDIT Thanks to Carlos for pointing out the appropriate section in the Java..

What is the point of the diamond operator in Java 7?


it as a feature Is my understanding of this concept flawed Thank you to anybody who can enlighten me. java generics java 7 diamond..

Use of final class in Java


the idea of class having the characteristics of objects Thank you in advance. java final share improve this question ..

Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing?


a custom LayoutManager I hope to have been clear. Thank you in advance. java swing layout manager share improve this..

ClassCastException when casting to the same class


the ClassCastException. Any reason why I'm getting this Thank you java reflection classcastexception websphere portal share..

Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method


I just need documentation I haven't found and little help. Thank you in advance for your help. Michaƫl java android apache http..

How to allow introducing only digits in jTextField? [duplicate]


. So what to do in order to print only digits in textfield Thank you. java swing jtextfield restriction digits share improve..

How to change text color in the JtextArea?


were from notepad or can be directly type to the textArea. Thank you in advance. java swing jtextarea jtextcomponent setbackground..

What is the difference between Set and List?


Set is a distinct list of elements which is unordered thank you Quinn Taylor . List E An ordered collection also known as..

how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation)


GenerationType.AUTO public Integer getRoleID return roleID thank you MORE INFO so there is a third table user_roles auto generated..

Performance ConcurrentHashmap vs HashMap


and document that choice. People who use your class will thank you if it is thread safe when it simplifies their usage but..

How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps?


page is defined as being UTF 8 Stuff to read A very big thank you for the writers of the following for giving the answers..

java.util.zip - Recreating directory structure


an empty zip file. Thank you very much for your help and thank you for correcting my formating java directory zip structure..

Why is using a wild card with a Java import statement bad?


At runtime, find all classes in a Java application that extend a base class


Time This question has generated a lot of great responses thank you. From the responses and my research I've found that what..

Why static fields are not initialized in time?


goes to Pyrolistical by the dedication to explain. Also thanks Kevin Brock. I thank everyone who supported I thank the academy.. by the dedication to explain. Also thanks Kevin Brock. I thank everyone who supported I thank the academy the friends .. XD.. Also thanks Kevin Brock. I thank everyone who supported I thank the academy the friends .. XD java static null nullpointerexception..

Looking for android Facebook SDK examples


the SDK. If anyone knows of any examples please share thank you so much java android facebook sdk facebook android sdk..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


to work around them. I tried the suggestion by naikus thank you and according to the dump of http header fields it appears.. 2372 download unsuccessful After the tip from BalusC thanks I modified the connection setup but the Yahoo server continues..

Java memory model - can someone explain it?


and wait and notify . And I can use them just fine thank you. I even have a vague idea about what volatile does. But..

Java try-finally return design question


this design decision made by Java I appreciate any insight thank you. Edit I'm particularly interested as to 'why' Java thinks..

java package cycle detection: how to find the specific classes involved?


classes' Riiight... Time to proclaim the results @l7010.de thank you for the effort. I will vote you up when I will have enough.. is commercial and I look only for freeware @daniel6651 thank you but as said freeware only sorry to not have mentioned it..

Executing a Java application in a separate process


Order of XML attributes after DOM processing


output and altering the whole input XML file Update I must thank all your answers. The answer seems now more obvious than I expected...

Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”?


to use in production code Summary Very very nice answers thanks everyone. On question 3 people felt the syntax should be clear.. cause jar file clutter and slow program startup slightly thanks to @coobird for measuring that . @Thilo pointed out that garbage.. Test1 double brace initialization test program. Finally thank you for reading this extremely long answer share improve this..

How can I stack/overlay jPanels in Java?


like that but I can't find it on the designer view. Well thank you very much for your patience java swing gui share improve..