

javascript Programming Glossary: contexts

Creating dynamic context menu in Chrome Extension is failing


callback chrome.contextMenus.create title type contexts selection onclick function info tab alert 1 function console.log.. Add update context menu entry var options title type contexts 'selection' onclick cm_clickHandler if cmid null chrome.contextMenus.update..

Why will jQuery not load in Facebook?


very unlikely because over riding the separate execution contexts of a web browser would be a major security vulnerability break..

Javascript - String Literal vs String Object


to use String object methods for primitive strings. In contexts where a method is to be invoked on a primitive string or a property..

How to display all methods in a JavaScript object?


is the global object itself. As control enters execution contexts and as ECMAScript code is executed additional properties may..

valueOf() vs. toString() in Javascript


And I wouldn't want to have to call toString explicitly in contexts that implied a string. Is this just the way it is javascript..

Why is window not identical to window.self in Internet Explorer?


ECMAScript spec which is not written with multiple global contexts in mind defines window and the unbound version of this as retrieving..

What is the event precedence in JavaScript?


one event loop per unit of related similar origin browsing contexts. An event loop has one or more task queues. A task queue is..

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


have experienced quite different reliability in different contexts. Here at home I get a callback within a second or two although..

“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()”


to open that element so the link becomes useful in other contexts. Otherwise for something that is purely an action it would be..

How many JavaScript programs are executed for a single web-page in the browser?


has its own execution context but all those execution contexts share the same Global object. SCRIPT blocks could be viewed..

Why is there a `null` value in JavaScript?


constructors . They also both evaluate to false in boolean contexts. The only real difference I can think of is that one evaluates.. of is that one evaluates to NaN the other to 0 in numeric contexts. So why is there both undefined and null if this just confuses..

Can you access screen display?™s DPI settings in a Javascript function?


part of display settings . It's mis used in two different contexts The native pixels per inch of a display or video . It determines..

Web workers without a separate Javascript file?


this question Web workers operate in entirely separate contexts as individual Program's. This means that code cannot be moved..

HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices


get a little confusing when dealing with several different contexts and saved restore states. Not to mention the code is just more..

What is the purpose of new Boolean() in Javascript?


value because objects always evaluate to true in boolean contexts even if the wrapped value is false . I've never come across..

What is the 'Execution Context' in JavaScript exactly?


this object. The call stack is a collection of execution contexts. See also this answer and this article . Scope is literally..

function* in JavaScript


represented as objects encapsulating suspended execution contexts i.e. function activations . Prior art Python Icon Lua Scheme..