

javascript Programming Glossary: continues

call java function from javascript over android webview


here. But that button never gets to its normal state. It continues in pressed state. May be js execution is broken or something..

Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping?


or similar. Once you revisit the browser the counter continues incrementing. In the real world websites that determine timeout..

Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures


IE6 In the end it is a problem that MS has addressed and continues to address. You're going to make some level of closures that..

Backbone.js Empty Array Attribute


call console.log x . x is dumped to the console. Execution continues on with the statement immediately following your console.log..

How does the $resource `get` function work synchronously in AngularJS?


fires and the code following the call isn't blocked it continues to be executed. Then at some indeterminate point later on when..

jQuery: wait for function to complete to continue processing?


fact that I'm calling a method asynchronously the script continues executing and when it encounters the for loop r obviously isn't..

JQuery Ajax - How to Detect Network Connection error when making Ajax call


internet connection goes down so that the KeepAlive script continues to run. I'm using the following code var keepAliveTimeout 1000..

Trigger a keypress with jQuery…and specify which key was pressed


This works fine in most situations because a user just continues typing at the end of the field but I want this to work in all..

How to profile and and get Javascript performance [duplicate]


after the user navigates away from the page the memory continues allocated and there's no way to free it . The reason for this..

If the “with” statement in Javascript creates a new scope, why does the following code not work as expected? (the closure doesn't contain the new “x” in new scope each time)


not found on the first object in the chain so the lookup continues up and finds it on the last object the scope chain after the..

javascript garbage collection


for the call to foo which includes bar and therefore bar continues to reference the object. For three seconds. Then the timer stuff..

Disabling the long-running-script message in Internet Explorer


this page is causing your web browser to run slowly. If it continues to run your computer might become unresponsive. How can i fix..

Empty for loop - for(;;)


the second part is falsy the for loop stops and execution continues with code which comes after the for loop Could someone perhaps..

How does the location of a script tag in a page affect a JavaScript function that is defined in it?


of the page so the script will be executed while the page continues the parsing. The async attribute is false but the defer attribute..

JavaScript Loops: for…in vs for


characteristic of the for..in structure is that it continues to search for enumerable properties up the prototype chain...

whats the difference between function foo(){} and foo = function(){}? [duplicate]


begins by assigning to publicSymbols . Step by step code continues with publicSymbols.foo foo . Then it executes the return publicSymbols..

How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome?


another tab wait a few seconds and go back the animation continues at the point it was when you switched to the other tab. So the..

How to determine if vertical scroll bar has reached the bottom of the web page?


.... 1715 And from 1715 it won't increment so this loop continues forever. Looks like scrollHeight and scrollTop is not right..

How to run user-submitted scripts securely in a node.js sandbox?


serialized to JSON on its stdout. The parent process continues executing regardless of what the child does and can trigger..

In JQuery, Is it possible to get callback function after setting new css rule?


css function will always complete before code execution continues so a callback is not required. In the code '.element' .css 'color'..