

javascript Programming Glossary: continued

Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures


at the time standard JavaScript engine and that work has continued into IE9 10. StatCounter http gs.statcounter.com suggests that..

Should I use ScriptSharp


other resources Do you really think that Script# will be continued and new versions will be deployed and it should be used by third..

A good approximation algorithm for the maximum weight perfect match in non-bipartite graphs?


Using HTML5 pushState() in IE9


replaceState onPopState in all browsers. Including continued support for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools..

Will a script continue to run even after closing a page?


correct answer but here it is now thanks to testing and continued nudging from mellamokb Quote Ok I took a look at the PHP source..

How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page?


replaceState onPopState in all browsers. Including continued support for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools..

Emulate/polyfill history.pushstate() in IE


replaceState onPopState in all browsers. Including continued support for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools..

websocket api to replace rest api?


real time chat app http fzysqr.com 2011 03 27 nodechat js continued authentication profiles ponies and a meaner socket io Tutorial.. real time chat app http fzysqr.com 2011 03 27 nodechat js continued authentication profiles ponies and a meaner socket io Using..

Reading window.history.state object in Webkit


replaceState onPopState in all browsers. Including continued support for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools..