

javascript Programming Glossary: s.type

DOM Exception 12 for window.postMessage


'head' 0 s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src url if cb s.onload cb h.appendChild..

Stop IE from loading dynamically included script twice


plain DOM way var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.charset 'UTF 8' s.src 'js_test2.js' document.getElementById..

unable to run an external javascript using a bookmarklet


following script lines s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src 'script.js' document.getElementsByTagName.. like this function var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src 'script.js' document.getElementsByTagName.. javascript function var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src 'script.js' document.getElementsByTagName..

asynchronous .js file loading syntax


d.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 s d.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src ' js myfile.js' h.appendChild s note.. d.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 s d.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.async true s.src ' js myfile.js' h.appendChild..

Async Load JavaScript Files with Callback


src var self this var s document.createElement 'script' s.type text javascript s.async true s.src src s.addEventListener 'load'..

Cross-site XMLHttpRequest


function var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.src URL.replace 'callback ' 'callback '..

asynchronous javascript loading/executing


d.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 s d.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.async true s.src ' js myfile.js' h.appendChild..

load scripts asynchronously


like function var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.async true s.src 'js jquery ui 1.8.16.custom.min.js'.. function code var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.async true s.innerHTML code var x document.getElementsByTagName.. function code var s document.createElement 'script' s.type 'text javascript' s.innerHTML code var x document.getElementsByTagName..

My Firefox extension to inject CSS wont work


addCSS theTheme var s document.createElement 'link' s.type 'text css' s.rel 'stylesheet' s.href theTheme '.css' document.head..