

javascript Programming Glossary: s3

Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP)


Image to Amazon s3 with HTML javascript jQuery with Ajax Request No PHP I am developing.. HTML javascript jQuery. I want to upload images to amazon s3 server in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate.. in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate s3 in Javascript. A PHP SDK is available but it is not useful to..

Javascript collection


this.height var s new Size 5 10 var s2 new Size2 5 10 var s3 new Size2 5 10 var s4 new Size 5 10 Looks identical but lets.. use the reference equality operator to test things s2.area s3.area false s.area s4.area true The area method of Size2 is created..

uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images


know http www.9lessons.info 2012 08 upload files to amazon s3 php.html You will not have to worry about file backups available..

CasperJs and Jquery with chained Selects


option select select id s2 name s2 select select id s3 name s3 select I know for sure that the web site use Jquery.. select select id s2 name s2 select select id s3 name s3 select I know for sure that the web site use Jquery for to do.. function return document.querySelectorAll 'select#s3 option' .length 1 function then select option on third select..

Detecting a image 404 in javascript


place until the images arrive in their permanent home on s3. I'm looking for a way to detect that a certain image failed.. every few seconds until it can be successfully loaded from s3. javascript jquery javascript events cross browser share..

Ajax cross-sub-domain requests?


domain requests Is there a way to make an Ajax request to s3 ap southeast 1.s3.amazonaws.com to S3 API from s3.amazonaws.com.. there a way to make an Ajax request to s3 ap southeast 1.s3.amazonaws.com to S3 API from s3.amazonaws.com from where a JavaScript.. to s3 ap southeast 1.s3.amazonaws.com to S3 API from s3.amazonaws.com from where a JavaScript app that is hosted at..

Serving gzipped CSS and JavaScript from Amazon CloudFront via S3


are served gzipped from Cloudfront. javascript css amazon s3 gzip amazon cloudfront share improve this question The answer..

Change svg path with javascript


svg id sss viewBox 0 0 500 300 version 1.1 defs path id s3 d M 10 90 Q 100 15 200 70 defs How can I change the d value.. the d value Why does this alert document.getElementById 's3' .d give me undefined javascript html svg share improve this.. can be set another way alert document.getElementById 's3' .getAttribute 'd' That seems to work. To set use setAttribute..

Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP)


ajax amazon s3 share improve this question Got Amazon S3 CORS working on js and html5 using XMLHTTPObject based on this..

uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images


want to consider storing your files on a CDN like Amazon S3 with Cloudfront. S3 is a cheap reliable storage for files up.. your files on a CDN like Amazon S3 with Cloudfront. S3 is a cheap reliable storage for files up to 5TB as far as I.. speed etc. etc. Cloudfront adds a CDN layer on top of S3 with edge locations all over the world share improve this answer..

Detecting a image 404 in javascript


processing with the images such as resizing and upload to S3. This can take up to 10 extra seconds. Obviously we do this..

Ajax cross-sub-domain requests?


an Ajax request to s3 ap southeast 1.s3.amazonaws.com to S3 API from s3.amazonaws.com from where a JavaScript app that is..

Serving gzipped CSS and JavaScript from Amazon CloudFront via S3


gzipped CSS and JavaScript from Amazon CloudFront via S3 I've been looking for ways of making my site load faster and.. outweighs that from using a CDN about 50 per cent Amazon S3 and thus Cloudfront did not support serving gzipped content.. produce production.min.css.gz . Remove the .gz upload to S3 or whatever origin server you're using and explicitly set the..