

javascript Programming Glossary: s1

AJAX JQUERY RELATED:- How to call ajax on a ajax loaded page


input type text name search placeholder search contacts id s1 style display none input type text id b1 value php echo username..

Best and/or shortest way to do strict (non-type converting) <, >, <=, >= comparison in Javascript


form . These protect you from the following craziness var s1 1 i1 1 i2 2 s1 i1 true type conversion s1 i1 false type conversion.. you from the following craziness var s1 1 i1 1 i2 2 s1 i1 true type conversion s1 i1 false type conversion s1 i1 false.. craziness var s1 1 i1 1 i2 2 s1 i1 true type conversion s1 i1 false type conversion s1 i1 false no type conversion s1 i1..

Javascript type of custom object


object is of a certain type. var SomeObject function var s1 new SomeObject In the case above typeof s1 will return object.. function var s1 new SomeObject In the case above typeof s1 will return object . That's not very helpful. Is there some.. . That's not very helpful. Is there some way to check if s1 is of type SomeObject javascript share improve this question..

CasperJs and Jquery with chained Selects


three interconnected selects have this struct select id s1 name s1 option value 1 Option1 option option value 2 Option2.. interconnected selects have this struct select id s1 name s1 option value 1 Option1 option option value 2 Option2 option.. select this.evaluate function valueOptionSelect 'select#s1' .val valueOptionSelect 'select#s1' .trigger 'change' optionFirstSelect..

How to populate a cascading Dropdown with JQuery


My original JS looks like this function populate s1 s2 var s1 document.getElementById s1 var s2 document.getElementById.. My original JS looks like this function populate s1 s2 var s1 document.getElementById s1 var s2 document.getElementById s2.. function populate s1 s2 var s1 document.getElementById s1 var s2 document.getElementById s2 s2.innerHTML if s1.value Germany..

Can JavaScript access source code of a <script src=“”> element?


code of a script src &ldquo &rdquo element script id s1 src foo.js script script alert 'foo.js contains' _source_code_of.. script script alert 'foo.js contains' _source_code_of 's1' script Can _source_code_of be implemented javascript html..

How can I use JavaScript within an Excel macro?


calling it is as follows Public Function GetDiffs ByVal s1 As String ByVal s2 As String As Variant Dim objWMIService As.. Google.DiffMatchPath.WSC GetDiffs objDiff.DiffFast s1 s2 Set objDiff Nothing Set objWMIService Nothing End Function..

Getting the closest string match


into the second Public Function LevenshteinDistance ByRef S1 As String ByVal S2 As String As Long Dim L1 As Long L2 As Long.. 'cost of next Insertion Deletion and Substitution L1 Len S1 L2 Len S2 ReDim D 0 To L1 0 To L2 For i 0 To L1 D i 0 i Next.. j Next j For j 1 To L2 For i 1 To L1 cost Abs StrComp Mid S1 i 1 Mid S2 j 1 vbTextCompare cI D i 1 j 1 cD D i j 1 1 cS D..