

javascript Programming Glossary: wp

What does “return false;” do?


entries on page upon submittion .ajax type 'POST' url ' wp content themes childOfFanwood traininglog_behind_curtains.php'..

Dynamically changing navigation links (next and previous) in Wordpress via AJAX


previous id .ajax cache true type GET timeout 5000 url 'wp content themes twentyten pages next previous.php p ' id success.. previous.php content is php p _GET 'p' require '.. .. .. wp load.php' my_query new WP_Query my_query query array 'post__in'.. value php the_ID php the_title option php endforeach wp_reset_postdata select form javascript ajax wordpress share..

jquery not working in wordpress


for stats link rel stylesheet href http simplespace.co.nz wp content themes blass2 style.css type text css media screen link.. link rel shortcut icon href http simplespace.co.nz wp content themes blass2 favicon.ico link rel 'archives' title.. id 'sociable3 css' href 'http simplespace.co.nz wp content plugins sociable 30 sociable.css ver 5.10' type 'text..

Problem with Flash ExternalInterface on Google App Engine


great example with this source http blog.circlecube.com wp content uploads 2008 02 ActionscriptJavascriptCommunication.zip..

How do i get a computed style?


html sendmessage it will have to be. damn http easyxdm.net wp Original post Can anybody please help me with a script.. or..

javascript, iframe, security - Permission denied when tring to access a js function from parent window


combo box is getting vanished when an alert is coming


Full source for alert is here . http csscody.com demo wp content demo popup js jquery.easing.1.3.js http csscody.com.. demo popup js jquery.easing.1.3.js http csscody.com demo wp content demo popup js alertbox.js http csscody.com demo wp content.. wp content demo popup js alertbox.js http csscody.com demo wp content demo popup js style.css html head meta http equiv Content..