

javascript Programming Glossary: wrappers

CSS: Two column Div layout misaligns when Zoom changes


15 and 84 or 85 if it works and then use those two divs as wrappers in which you put a div which you give the right margins. That..

How to sort a collection of objects in JavaScript without converting it to an array


pluck to unwrap the Schwartzian Transform memo wrappers pluck returns an array so sortBy also returns an array. Hence..

Is there a native machine code compiler for JavaScript?


executable from Javascript code I'm sure there must be wrappers which essentially would create an executable comtaining your..

Angular.js Backbone.js or which has better performance


model mutation observation is based on events model wrappers and use of artificial getters and setters. Not only that this..

Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database)


6s FireFox 7s . I could not get any of the IndexedDB wrappers to work for blobs lawnchair PouchDB jquery indexeddb etc. I..

JavaScript SPA-Frameworks (Single Page Application) [closed]


framework and is focused on the View. It has observable wrappers for JavaScript object properties and uses a data bind attribute..

D3.js Zooming and panning a collapsible tree diagram


transform so I added another g element to the outer wrappers to set the margin offset vis snip .append svg g .attr class..

window.onload vs <body onload=“”/>


Prototype ExtJS Dojo JQuery YUI etc. provide nice wrappers around events that occur as the document is loaded. You can..

Trigger flash button object via javascript


button via javascript For example I have made empty image wrappers and by clicking on them they trigger flash button to open as..

How is a Javascript string not an object?


values such as Boolean and Number there are object wrappers which are simply objects that contain the primitive value as..

javascript:how to write $(document).ready like event without jquery


as I know there is no easier method. Goes to show what the wrappers like jQuery are good for they wrap the capability sniffing and..

passing value to JSP via javaScript


can do yourself. The features I've listed above are all wrappers for the XMLHttpRequest object Wikipedia MSDN MDC . See the linked..

javascript property change event


variables and setting them doesn't require any elaborate wrappers. You could use a function to set the property though the same..

Finding Variable Type in JavaScript


though if you define these primitives with their object wrappers which you should never do use literals where ever possible typeof..

new Number() vs Number()


you would want to use new Boolean or any of the other wrappers for primitives if you want to attach properties to a single..

converting from prototype to jquery


this question The jQuery .ajax call does it all. It has wrappers with less parameters like .get .post and .load that you can..

(Open Source) Examples of JavaScript Prototypical OO


OO and classical OO. I don't want to see generic OO wrappers but simply usage of prototypical OO techniques and only prototypical..

Does MongoDB have a native REST interface?


protocol for efficiency. However you can find few REST wrappers in official documentation Sleepy Mongoose Python is a full featured..

width/height after transform


wraping your div with another div element and count the wrappers dimensions style type text css #wrap border 1px solid green..

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame warning in Safari


tighter than other browsers I have done specific try catch wrappers to handle these cases if it otherwise works great. Either way..