

javascript Programming Glossary: wp7

Windows Phone 8 IE10 Javascript debugging


that there is no new debug capabilities in comparison to WP7 IE9. Please take a look on How do I debug Internet Explorer..

How do I debug Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7?


I'm posting this question. Does alert normally work on the WP7 browser javascript debugging internet explorer windows phone..

C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed]


they rely on components written for Silverlight or WP7 are most likely to be reusable with no or minimal changes while..

How to inject Javascript in the WP7 WebBrowser control?


to inject Javascript in the WP7 WebBrowser control I can inject JavaScript in WebBrowser control.. JavaScript in WebBrowser control But I can't do this in WP7 please help me. c# javascript silverlight windows phone 7 .. Unfortunately WebBrowser.Document is not available on WP7. But you can create and call a JavaScript function using InvokeScript..

Is it possible to use custom fonts - using font-face?


post it's one of the 17 differences between IE9 and IE9 on WP7. And here's the MSDN article which officially confirms it. ..