

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:32

jquery Programming Glossary: frankly

Selecting by ID attribute using JQuery in ASP.NET


.val 'Some More Data ' Which quite frankly is annoying because I don't want to mess with having to figure..

Place PHP results inside HTML page


this with AJAX. It might look a bit challenging but it is frankly much simpler than many think. In fact it's pretty easy. Ajax..

jQuery Plugins vs UI vs some alternative


UI library or framework. I am looking at jQuery UI but frankly I am not impressed. Although jQuery Tools http flowplayer.org..

Cross Browser Selection Range Library?


javascript I have found a few jQuery plugins which quite frankly are too limiting and very buggy . I have already implemented..

jQuery Ajax: how to wait until *async* requests success completes before continuing?


but takes very long. I have seen this .ajaxQueue thing but frankly I don't understand it at all and I don't know if it will work...

Update whole page on Ajax request


jquery ajax http share improve this question Quite frankly I think that approach is basically broken by design. You shouldn't..

How can i use preg_match in jQuery?


implementation which you may want to look at. But frankly the built in Javascript .match function should be more than..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


and MVC C# I've never used AJAX and am quite frankly not much versed in JS either. I have a page Product Browser..

Selecting by ID attribute using JQuery in ASP.NET


I would have to do something like 'input#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtSomeData1' .val 'Some More Data ' Which quite frankly is annoying because I don't want to mess with having to figure out what the id of the control is after it's rendered to..

Place PHP results inside HTML page


jquery include share improve this question You can do this with AJAX. It might look a bit challenging but it is frankly much simpler than many think. In fact it's pretty easy. Ajax goes in your javascript code and looks like this '#stSelect'..

jQuery Plugins vs UI vs some alternative


naming convention etc. I would really prefer to use one uniform UI library or framework. I am looking at jQuery UI but frankly I am not impressed. Although jQuery Tools http flowplayer.org tools download.html looks kind of nice. Does anyone have any..

Cross Browser Selection Range Library?


any cross browser user selection range libraries written in javascript I have found a few jQuery plugins which quite frankly are too limiting and very buggy . I have already implemented and am using the following to pull off some of my tricks http..

jQuery Ajax: how to wait until *async* requests success completes before continuing?


script fails. But if I set async to false then it works but takes very long. I have seen this .ajaxQueue thing but frankly I don't understand it at all and I don't know if it will work. So the question is firstly is there any way I can asynchronously..

Update whole page on Ajax request


and then populating the new page on the server. php javascript jquery ajax http share improve this question Quite frankly I think that approach is basically broken by design. You shouldn't have to make that decision at that place. For example..

How can i use preg_match in jQuery?


AJAX and MVC (C#)


and MVC C# I've never used AJAX and am quite frankly not much versed in JS either. I have a page Product Browser that has the following breakdown Navigation First Prev 1 2 3..