

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:32

jquery Programming Glossary: frustrated

Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed]


to tabbed content from an external link closed Terribly frustrated and embarrassed that I can't figure this out. Client wants a..

Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari


is too tall to fit on one page users on a laptop get frustrated. Someone raised this three months ago on the jQuery bug tracker..

Jquery Cycle + Firefox Squishing Images


are hundreds of images all at different sizes.. I'm pretty frustrated with this problem. Any ideas help is greatly appreciated Here..

JS - get image width and height from the base64 code


how can i get the height and the width of it I'm really frustrated can't find anything about. any help appreciated thanks a lot..

Designing data in $.ajax to match server side model definition


of the object on the server side but I'm to annoyed and frustrated right now to generate more suggestions how to shove the data..

jquery ui autocomplete with database


me where I am going wrong please Starting to get quite frustrated. The input box just turns white and no options are shown. The..

Are jQuery and GWT comparable frameworks?


you try to build a website with GWT you are going to get frustrated with the technology. JQuery is more suited for web sites where..

Help! I've learned jQuery… now I want to learn JavaScript [closed]


leaks and circular references which is concerning. I'm frustrated because I can wrap my head around the basic concepts of what..

Proper way to use JQuery when using MasterPages in ASP.NET?


and fancybox scripts in the masterpage because I got frustrated on getting it to work I just put it in the page where I wanted..

Trying to load Google charts through a jQuery ajax call


it does is show the ajaxloader.gif image. I'm feeling very frustrated and cannot for the life of me figure out why this is happening...

Regex for AM PM time format for jquery


for AM PM time format for jquery I am being frustrated by a regular expression to mask the input field. I want to Limit..

formatresult in jquery is not calling


script Alertbox formatResult is not being called i'm very frustrated. Please Help. EDIT I've referred the code from this link 3 steps..

Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed]


so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link closed Terribly frustrated and embarrassed that I can't figure this out. Client wants a sitemap at the bottom of the website that takes the user to..

Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari


and page up down still works . This is a problem if the dialog is too tall to fit on one page users on a laptop get frustrated. Someone raised this three months ago on the jQuery bug tracker http dev.jqueryui.com ticket 4671 it doesn't look like fixing..

Jquery Cycle + Firefox Squishing Images


height of the image everything works fine. However there are hundreds of images all at different sizes.. I'm pretty frustrated with this problem. Any ideas help is greatly appreciated Here is my code document .ready function function onBefore curr..

JS - get image width and height from the base64 code


code Hi i have a base64 img encoded you can ind that here how can i get the height and the width of it I'm really frustrated can't find anything about. any help appreciated thanks a lot javascript jquery image base64 dimensions share improve..

Designing data in $.ajax to match server side model definition


is all zeros. I'm certain I failed to match the definition of the object on the server side but I'm to annoyed and frustrated right now to generate more suggestions how to shove the data to the service. The data model is like this. public class Thingy..

jquery ui autocomplete with database


Name5 user_id 7 user_login_name Name6 Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong please Starting to get quite frustrated. The input box just turns white and no options are shown. The code does work if I specify an array of values. UPDATE I have..

Are jQuery and GWT comparable frameworks?


. GWT is really suited for building complex web apps. If you try to build a website with GWT you are going to get frustrated with the technology. JQuery is more suited for web sites where you want to do certain jazzy stuff on a page but at some..

Help! I've learned jQuery… now I want to learn JavaScript [closed]


here jQuery . I've seen many posts blogs whatever about memory leaks and circular references which is concerning. I'm frustrated because I can wrap my head around the basic concepts of what these are just by reading the articles but I'm finding that..

Proper way to use JQuery when using MasterPages in ASP.NET?


plugin and what I did was instead of putting the jquery script and fancybox scripts in the masterpage because I got frustrated on getting it to work I just put it in the page where I wanted the script to run specifically at the bottom right before..

Trying to load Google charts through a jQuery ajax call


no 9 else echo yes 9 no 14 After I hit the 'yes' button all it does is show the ajaxloader.gif image. I'm feeling very frustrated and cannot for the life of me figure out why this is happening. Any help is appreciated javascript jquery ajax google visualization..

Regex for AM PM time format for jquery


for AM PM time format for jquery I am being frustrated by a regular expression to mask the input field. I want to Limit input to hh mm AM PM format. And I can't get this regex..

formatresult in jquery is not calling


rowdata 0 .split '#lname' .val details 0 return details 1 script Alertbox formatResult is not being called i'm very frustrated. Please Help. EDIT I've referred the code from this link 3 steps to creating a jquery autocomplete drop down menu jquery..