

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:32

jquery Programming Glossary: freely

How to highlight a part part of an Input text field in HTML using Javascript or JQuery


or JQuery I'm performing some form of validation on a freely typed input text field in HTML. Is there a way to highlight..

jQuery Nested Sortable - Move LI elements within all available UL's


I feel. What I want to do is allow li 's to be moved freely under existing ul 's or move them up a level. I also want to..

preventDefault won't work on Firefox


.load id #newPost .show fast return false You can freely replace return false with event.preventDefault in this instance..

Trigger Click-and-Hold Event


a click and hold event and be able to move the element freely. On next click mousedown end click and hold event. When I try..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


perspective DI means that you can declare components very freely and then from any other component just ask for an instance of..

In jQuery mobile, what's the diff between tap and vclick?


among desktop mobile devices. Now days you case freely use tap but there are few problems. Tap will fail on iOS platform...

How to create a historgram from json


response from my back end service. I have looked into some freely available charting api but none I found has option to create..

a simple question on jquery closure


anonymous function and inside of that function you can freely refer to it as the received argument . Keep in mind that also..

How to highlight a part part of an Input text field in HTML using Javascript or JQuery


a part part of an Input text field in HTML using Javascript or JQuery I'm performing some form of validation on a freely typed input text field in HTML. Is there a way to highlight certain words or phrases based on certain criteria in a input..

jQuery Nested Sortable - Move LI elements within all available UL's


have the following code which works although it runs quite slowly I feel. What I want to do is allow li 's to be moved freely under existing ul 's or move them up a level. I also want to be able to create heirarchies so if you dragged a li under..

preventDefault won't work on Firefox


#newPost .fadeToggle var id this.getAttribute 'href' #newPostContent .load id #newPost .show fast return false You can freely replace return false with event.preventDefault in this instance but the propagating click event might or might cause other..

Trigger Click-and-Hold Event


do the following Perform a click mousedown on the div . Imitate a click and hold event and be able to move the element freely. On next click mousedown end click and hold event. When I try functions like #drag .draggable .mousedown function e e.preventDefault..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


silly to superfluous to hipster. But it's not. From a broad perspective DI means that you can declare components very freely and then from any other component just ask for an instance of it and it will be granted. You don't have to know about loading..

In jQuery mobile, what's the diff between tap and vclick?


VClick was created to bridge a gap between click tap incompatibility among desktop mobile devices. Now days you case freely use tap but there are few problems. Tap will fail on iOS platform. Touchstart should be used instead. Examples VClick Will..

How to create a historgram from json


I need to create a nice looking histogram using a json response from my back end service. I have looked into some freely available charting api but none I found has option to create histogram. Before I embark on daring and laborious task of..

a simple question on jquery closure


so the jQuery global object is passed as an argument of this anonymous function and inside of that function you can freely refer to it as the received argument . Keep in mind that also the function context the this keyword inside self executing..