

php Programming Glossary: addattributetoselect

Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value


fetch name and orig_price into data collection addAttributeToSelect 'name' collection addAttributeToSelect 'orig_price' There's.. data collection addAttributeToSelect 'name' collection addAttributeToSelect 'orig_price' There's multiple syntaxes for setting filters on.. Mage getModel 'catalog product' getCollection collection addAttributeToSelect 'name' collection addAttributeToSelect 'orig_price' filter for..

How do I filter a magento collection by a select drop-down attribute?


collection Mage getModel 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addFieldToFilter sAttributeName array 'eq' Mage getResourceModel.. collection Mage getModel 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addFieldToFilter sAttributeName array 'eq' mOptionId share..

Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND


code collection Mage getModel 'sales order' getCollection addAttributeToSelect addFieldToFilter array array 'remote_ip' array 'eq' ''..

Magento get a product collection in an arbitrary order


products Mage getModel 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addAttributeToFilter 'entity_id' array 'in' entity_ids setPageSize.. ordering Mage getModel 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addOrder 'entity_id' However it doesn't. Because of the.. 19 products Mage getModel 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addAttributeToFilter 'entity_id' ids shakes fist at PDO's..

magento get products from category, order by rand()


product' getCollection addAttributeToSort 'id' 'RAND ' addAttributeToSelect 'small_image' addCategoryFilter Mage getModel 'catalog category'.. 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSort addAttributeToSelect 'small_image' addCategoryFilter Mage getModel 'catalog category'..

Magento bulk price changes


product' getCollection addCategoryFilter category addAttributeToSelect 'id' foreach products as product get the current cost of the..

Add column to Magento admin catolog > manage products


if block getCollection block getCollection addAttributeToSelect 'COLUMN_ID' filter block getParam block getVarNameFilter null..