

php Programming Glossary: addchild

Using SimpleXML to create an XML object from scratch


'newsPagePrefix' 'value goes here' newsIntro newsXML addChild 'content' newsIntro addAttribute 'type' 'latest' Header 'Content..

SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node?


how to prepend a child in a node When I call addChild 'actor' 'John Doe' this child is added in the last. Is there.. actor actor Zsa Zsa Gabor actor actors ' 'my_node' actors addChild 'actor' 'John Doe last' actors prependChild 'actor' 'John Doe..

How can I set text value of SimpleXmlElement without using its parent?


no luck 'Cannot write or create unnamed attribute' firstC addChild '' 'test' grr 'SimpleXMLElement addChild Element name is required'.. attribute' firstC addChild '' 'test' grr 'SimpleXMLElement addChild Element name is required' firstC addChild '.' 'test' just adds.. addChild Element name is required' firstC addChild '.' 'test' just adds another child with name . echo args asXML..

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?


xml new SimpleXMLElement ' xml ' for i 1 i 8 i track xml addChild 'track' track addChild 'path' song i.mp3 track addChild 'title'.. ' xml ' for i 1 i 8 i track xml addChild 'track' track addChild 'path' song i.mp3 track addChild 'title' Track i Track Title.. addChild 'track' track addChild 'path' song i.mp3 track addChild 'title' Track i Track Title Header 'Content type text xml' print..

Can't access global variable inside function


new SimpleXMLElement ' somexml ' function foo child sxml addChild 'child' foo Why I want to access sxml because I want to log.. new SimpleXMLElement ' somexml ' function foo child sxml addChild 'child' foo bar php variables scope global variables share.. SimpleXMLElement ' somexml ' function foo sxml child sxml addChild 'child' foo sxml or declare it global php sxml new SimpleXMLElement..

How to append to a XML file with PHP preferably with SimpleXML


improve this question With SimpleXML you can use the addChild method. file 'xml config.xml' xml simplexml_load_file file galleries.. file galleries xml galleries gallery galleries addChild 'gallery' gallery addChild 'name' 'a gallery' gallery addChild.. xml galleries gallery galleries addChild 'gallery' gallery addChild 'name' 'a gallery' gallery addChild 'filepath' 'path to gallery'..