

php Programming Glossary: addcslashes

What does it mean to escape a string?


the escape characters in Java Cant escape a string with addcslashes escape caracter what does mysql_real_escape_string really do.. methods exist for escaping strings such as add_slashes addcslashes quotemeta and more though you'll find that when the goal is..

Malicious php file content [closed]


5 fread 8 string 6 fclose 9 string 6 strpos 10 string 11 addcslashes 11 string 6 fflush 12 string 6 substr 13 string 17 file_get_contents..

Escaping MySQL wild cards


does not escape the MySQL wildcards and _ I am using addcslashes to escape these as well. When I send something like test_test.. is correct and sufficient for this purpose. addcslashes should not be used. _ and are special solely in the context..

Is there a PHP function that only adds slashes to double quotes NOT single quotes


json_encode if it ™s available to you you could also use addcslashes to add only to certain characters like addcslashes str ' ' You.. use addcslashes to add only to certain characters like addcslashes str ' ' You could also use a regular expression based replacement..

Convert php array to Javascript


can use something like this function js_str s return ' ' . addcslashes s 0.. 37 . ' ' function js_array array temp array_map 'js_str'..

PHP mysql injection protection


me mysql_real_escape_string str mysql_real_escape_string addcslashes str _ htmlspecialchars str json_encode only for utf8 I use my.. I use my function for iso 8859 2 mysql_real_escape_string addcslashes str '^. ' you cannot use preg_quote in this case because backslash..