

php Programming Glossary: fk

How to associate each option button with their own individual marks?


Question QuestionId PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72 1 26 3 73 2 26 4 Option_Table.. PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72 1 26 3 73 2 26 4 Option_Table OptionId PK Auto.. C 2 A D 3 A E 4 A F Answer AnswerId PK auto QuestionId FK Question Answer 1 72 C 2 73 A 3 73 C 4 73 D Individual_Answer..

GeoLocation API


ER Africa ES Europe ET Africa FI Europe FJ Australia FK South America FM Australia FO Europe FR Europe GA Africa GB..

Set locale in Symfony 2.1


declaration in config.yml services my_listener class FK MyWebsiteBundle Listener LocaleListener My routing homepage.. My routing homepage pattern _locale defaults _controller FKMyWebsiteBundle Default index _locale en requirements _locale.. en fr cn about pattern _locale about defaults _controller FKMyWebsiteBundle Default about _locale en requirements _locale..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


up. It means the server will not allow a row in the FK table to be added unless the PK exists in the parent table... table. MySQL recently provided DRI for Foreign Keys. For FKs refer to ¶this article € . 25.1. For CHECK constraints and RULES.. MySQL will stop a row from being inserted to a child table FK where the parent PK does not exist. That is Referential Integrity..

When inserting an entity with associations, is there a way to just use the FK instead of retrieving the entity?


an entity with associations is there a way to just use the FK instead of retrieving the entity I need to insert an entity.. an entity which has associations. If I already have the FK's of the associated entities is there a way to insert the primary.. way to insert the primary entity into the db with just the FK's populated Or do I always have to retrieve the associated entities..

Creating a threaded private messaging system like facebook and gmail


could be used either way. If the thread is flat then the FK is always to the root MESSAGE. If the thread is tree shaped.. to the root MESSAGE. If the thread is tree shaped then the FK is to the immediate parent of the reply MESSAGE. If a typical.. See the ERD below Note that there is now one FK to show the immediate parent and one FK to show the root. Since..