

php Programming Glossary: flaws

Security threats with uploads


things by malicious data if the program contains parsing flaws. Of course having any sort of malicious data sitting around..

Organizing PHPUnit Tests in Namespaces


to these two approaches Are there any obvious flaws I haven't considered that would make one the obvious better..

Why is WordPress considered to be poorly programmed? [closed]


The documentation is incredibly thorough any security flaws are fixed within seconds and it just works . Not to mention..

Are PHP MySQLi prepared queries with bound parameters secure?


be vigilant and code defensively to prevent SQL injection flaws. No framework or data access library can do this work for you...

Commitment to Zend Framework - any arguments against?


Zend is actually run by vampires. Are there conceptual flaws in the code base you start to notice when you've transitioned..

PHP Form Security With Referer


Historical security flaws of popular PHP CMS's?


security flaws of popular PHP CMS's I'm creating a PHP CMS one that I hope.. like Wordpress Joomla Drupal etc. What are some security flaws or vulnerabilities that they have they had in the past that..

PHP/Gettext Problems


to a few bug reports the Windows port of gettext had some flaws with UTF 8. Maybe your version is affected again. So try bind_textdomain_codeset..

Password security: sha1, sha256 or sha512


share improve this question You should use SHA 2 as flaws have been found in SHA 1. SHA 2 has different types. The bit..

Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP


machine with the same php.ini . There are some security flaws here so I would not use this code to transfer sensitive information...

Why shouldn't I use PHP's mail() function?


instead. What I want to know are the actual reasons and flaws in using mail over a library or extension. For example the commonly..

Preventing duplicate form submissions


tested a sample not in production environment what is flaws that you can identify Please note that I am well aware of using..

Is mysql_real_escape_string() broken?


Some people believe that mysql_real_escape_string has some flaws and cannot protect your query even when properly used. Bringing..

Switching between HTTP and HTTPS pages with secure session-cookie


the session and would like to ask you for any hints about flaws in the concept. The whole article you can find here Secure session..

How can we create a fairly secure password hash in PHP?


return bytes Instead of deploying your own inherently with flaws hash salt algorithm why not use one that was developed by security..

Proper session hijacking prevention in PHP


session ID as PHP's random number generator has some known flaws ini_set 'session.entropy_file' ' dev urandom' Uses a strong..

How to implement MVC style on my PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS code?


code re useable and more modular. It will help you to find flaws inside your HTML and to separate the Structure HTML from the..

create a dynamic PNG image using PHP


a while ago when I was about 14 I believe probably many flaws . php header Content type image jpeg array array I am a monument..