

php Programming Glossary: fld

How to search inside GCIDE XML using PHP


NULL `definition` text `pos` varchar 50 DEFAULT NULL `fld` varchar 50 DEFAULT NULL PRIMARY KEY `id` KEY `word` `word`.. ' ' pos pos preg_replace ^a zA Z0 9 s pos preg_match_all fld . fld blocks j fldarray flds fldarray 0 fld addslashes strip_tags.. pos preg_replace ^a zA Z0 9 s pos preg_match_all fld . fld blocks j fldarray flds fldarray 0 fld addslashes strip_tags..

Why is this function returning “undefined”? [duplicate]


Here is the usernameValid function function usernameValid fld if '#username' .val .length 0 .post username_check.php username..