

php Programming Glossary: freeing

Can PHP handle enterprise level sites as well as Java


Force freeing memory in PHP


freeing memory in PHP in a PHP program I sequentially read a bunch.. not laid end to end due to other uses of the memory. So freeing the string creates a problem because the space can't be reused..

Turn database result into array


Sending data 0.001300 end 0.000018 query end 0.000005 freeing items 0.012191 logging slow query 0.000008 cleaning up 0.000007..

PHP Flush: How Often and Best Practises


Why would $_FILES be empty when uploading files to PHP?


without warning. After much gnashing of teeth I tried freeing up additional space after which file uploads suddenly worked..

PHP application running out of Memory


try to make the script use less memory. Make sure you are freeing data references to anything that no longer needs to exist. memory_get_usage..

MySQL Query IN() Clause Slow on Indexed Column


Sending data 2.675270 end 0.000007 query end 0.000003 freeing items 0.000071 logging slow query 0.000002 logging slow query..

php - what's the benefit of unsetting variables? [duplicate]


variables duplicate Possible Duplicates What's better at freeing memory with PHP unset or var null Php when to use unset Hello.. says unset a variable. It does not force immediate memory freeing. PHP's garbage collector will do it when it see fits by intention..

What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null


better at freeing memory with PHP unset or var null I realise the second one.. says unset a variable. It does not force immediate memory freeing. PHP's garbage collector will do it when it see fits by intention..