

php Programming Glossary: fromarray

Reading numbers as text format with PHPExcel


'BlocksList' objPHPExcel getActiveSheet fromArray blockNames null 'A2' latestBLColumn objPHPExcel getActiveSheet.. FORMAT_TEXT objPHPExcel getActiveSheet fromArray blockNames null 'A1' So by doing this I get the array with numbers.. text format but the problem is that I think when I use the fromArray method it transforms the numbers of the array before I can get..

PHPUnit Mock Objects and Static Methods


static function create userData newUser new self newUser fromArray userData newUser save Ideally I would use a mock object to.. save Ideally I would use a mock object to ensure that fromArray with the supplied user data and save were called but that's..

Insert/update helper function using PDO


there then it is as simple as table new Table table fromArray _POST table save That should populate the contents easily. This..

Problem with PHPExcel


row mysql_fetch_row result objPHPExcel getActiveSheet fromArray array row NULL 'A'. rowNumber should also fix this error EDIT.. array 'Name' 'EMail' 'Phone' objPHPExcel getActiveSheet fromArray array headings NULL 'A'. rowNumber rowNumber Loop through the..

PHPExcel very slow - ways to improve?


are you populating the spreadsheet with the data Using the fromArray method is more efficient than populating each individual cell..