

php Programming Glossary: fs

PHP is_readable() fails on readable samba directory


On # tried either way shouldn't matter open_basedir etc fstab entry remote_machine samba_share remote samba_share cifs.. entry remote_machine samba_share remote samba_share cifs iocharset utf8 credentials blahblah samba_credentials uid me.. file_mode 0777 dir_mode 0777 auto 0 0 eix samba I net fs samba Installed versions 3.5.15 t Config details of remote machine..

MySQL - storing images in a database? [duplicate]


web app Duplicate Storing a small number of images blob or fs Duplicate store image in filesystem or database php mysql ..

Get Youtube Video ID from html code with PHP


movie value http www.youtube.com v Ou5eVl5eqtg hl es_ES fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name.. embed src http www.youtube.com v Ou5eVl5eqtg hl es_ES fs 1 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always.. movie value http www.youtube.com v Ou5eVl5eqtg hl es_ES fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name..

MD5 File Hashing - match Delphi output with PHP md5_file function


fileName string string var idmd5 TIdHashMessageDigest5 fs TFileStream begin idmd5 TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create fs TFileStream.Create.. fs TFileStream begin idmd5 TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create fs TFileStream.Create fileName fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyWrite try.. OR fmShareDenyWrite try result idmd5.AsHex idmd5.HashValue fs finally fs.Free idmd5.Free end end and I'm trying to get the..

Extending singletons in PHP


FileService extends Singleton Lots of neat stuff in here fs FileService getInstance If you use PHP 5.3 add this too get_called_class..

Creating custom “html”-tags for CMS?


www.youtube nocookie.com v wfI0Z6YJhL0 amp hl sv_SE amp fs 1 rel 0 amp color1 0xe1600f amp color2 0xfebd01 param param.. www.youtube nocookie.com v wfI0Z6YJhL0 amp hl sv_SE amp fs 1 rel 0 amp color1 0xe1600f amp color2 0xfebd01 type application..

how to show youtube video thumbnails


movie value http www.youtube.com v L8DFfSJbqU hl en_US fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name.. param embed src http www.youtube.com v L8DFfSJbqU hl en_US fs 1 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always..

fopen file locking in PHP (reader/writer type of situation)


file for 1 3s max. You get periods longer that that. the fs cache starts a fsync and the whole system blocks read writes.. You get periods longer that that. the fs cache starts a fsync and the whole system blocks read writes to the disk until..

DOMDocument::load - PHP - Getting attribute value


Data ss Type String as Data Cell Cell Data ss Type String fs Data Cell Row Row Cell Data ss Type String ve Data Cell Cell.. Data ss Type String as Data Cell Cell Data ss Type String fs Data Cell Row Table I am using DOMDocument load in PHP using..

How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex?


object param http www.youtube.com v NLqAF9hrVbY fs 1 hl en_US object embed http www.youtube.com v NLqAF9hrVbY fs.. 1 hl en_US object embed http www.youtube.com v NLqAF9hrVbY fs 1 hl en_US watch http www.youtube.com watch v NLqAF9hrVbY users..