

php Programming Glossary: fullname

Need to use bold tags in php


Put Your email address here. if empty _POST 'fullname' empty _POST 'martialstatus' empty _POST 'dateofbirth' empty.. 'membership' errors . n Error all fields are required fullname _POST 'fullname' martialstatus _POST 'martialstatus' dateofbirth.. errors . n Error all fields are required fullname _POST 'fullname' martialstatus _POST 'martialstatus' dateofbirth _POST 'dateofbirth'..

Mysql results in PHP - arrays or objects?


row mysql_fetch_object result echo row user_id echo row fullname mysql_fetch_assoc returns associative array while row mysql_fetch_assoc.. row mysql_fetch_assoc result echo row userid echo row fullname and mysql_fetch_array returns array while row mysql_fetch_array..

undefined offset when using php explode()


surname split name into first and last split explode ' ' fullname 2 first split 0 last split 1 However this is throwing up a php.. share improve this question this is because your fullname doesn't contain a space. You can use a simple trick to make.. to make sure the space is always where split explode ' ' fullname note the space inside the quotes BTW you can use list function..

How to download large files through PHP script


name row 0 This is a MySQL reference with the filename fullname path . name Create filename fd fopen fullname rb if fd fsize.. the filename fullname path . name Create filename fd fopen fullname rb if fd fsize filesize fullname path_parts pathinfo fullname.. Create filename fd fopen fullname rb if fd fsize filesize fullname path_parts pathinfo fullname ext strtolower path_parts extension..

DomDocument and html entities


dom loadHTML str link dom getElementsByTagName 'a' item 0 fullname link nodeValue href link getAttribute 'href' echo fullname fullname.. fullname link nodeValue href link getAttribute 'href' echo fullname fullname n href href n but DomDocument substitutes the text.. link nodeValue href link getAttribute 'href' echo fullname fullname n href href n but DomDocument substitutes the text for for A..

PHP convert XML to JSON group when there is one child


johndoe userName user user userName johndoe1 userName fullName John Doe fullName user user userName johndoe2 userName user.. user user userName johndoe1 userName fullName John Doe fullName user user userName johndoe2 userName user user userName johndoe3.. johndoe2 userName user user userName johndoe3 userName fullName John Doe Mother fullName user user userName johndoe4 userName..

PHP Typecasting - Good or bad?


cast is used to ensure that we always get a string even if fullName was missing from the request the cast will convert the returned.. NULL value into an empty string. full_name string getParam fullName You get the idea. There are a couple of gotcha's to be aware..

Zend framework - Why should I use data mapper / Db_Table_Row?


of the user you just do user uTable find newUid current fullName user getFullName Second example is when you have some parent..