

php Programming Glossary: function.simplexml

Problem with simpleXML and entity not being defined


prints the following warning Warning simplexml_load_file function.simplexml load file gpr_545.xml 55 parser error Entity 'Oslash' not defined..

PHP / SimpleXML - Why does Simplexml_load_string() fail to parse Google Weather API xml in Chinese (zh-CN)


api weather 11791 hl zh CN' Warning simplexml_load_string function.simplexml load string Entity line 1 parser error Input is not proper UTF.. googleData Warning simplexml_load_string function.simplexml load string Entity line 1 parser error Input is not proper UTF.. string 1364 .. test4.php 3 Warning simplexml_load_string function.simplexml load string t_system data SI Warning simplexml_load_string..

Converting a SimpleXML Object to an Array [closed]


2011 02 05 04 57 UTC @link http www.php.net manual en function.simplexml load string.php#102277 @license http www.php.net license index.php#doc..

simplexml_load_file not working “php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known”


apache for the webserver. Warning simplexml_load_file function.simplexml load file php_network_getaddresses getaddrinfo failed Name or.. media photos per_page 50 text fgdc function.simplexml load file failed to open stream php_network_getaddresses getaddrinfo.. GetImagesFlickr.php on line 17 Warning simplexml_load_file function.simplexml load file I O warning failed to load external entity http api.flickr.com..

Using SimpleXML to load remote URL


met with the following error Warning simplexml_load_file function.simplexml load file http api.ean.com ean services rs hotel v3 list cid..