

php Programming Glossary: jpe

How to Integrate Blue Imp File Upload to CakePHP?


.' files ' 'max_width' 1920 'max_height' 1200 'jpeg_quality' 95 'thumbnail' array 'upload_dir' dirname _SERVER.. strtolower substr strrchr file_name '.' 1 case 'jpg' case 'jpeg' src_img @imagecreatefromjpeg file_path write_image 'imagejpeg'.. '.' 1 case 'jpg' case 'jpeg' src_img @imagecreatefromjpeg file_path write_image 'imagejpeg' image_quality isset options..

Any preg_match() to extract image urls from text?


by a regex matches array preg_match_all ' http ^ # . jpe g png gif Ui' string matches So for security use always regex.. like matches array preg_match_all ' http a z0 9 . . jpe g png gif Ui' string matches This should avoid any funny surprise..

Set HTTP Caching Expiration, Recommended by Google PageSpeed


x icon access plus 2592000 seconds ExpiresByType image jpeg access plus 2592000 seconds ExpiresByType image png access.. And follow by IfModule mod_headers.c FilesMatch . ico jpe g png gif swf Header set Cache Control max age 2692000 public..

how to validate multiple input type files with jquery validator plugin


then it should be with valid extension means only jpg.jpeg and png imaes are allowed .. i tried many way but didn't get.. type file .bind function jQuery this .rules add accept png jpe g messages accept Only jpeg jpg or png images How to add this.. this .rules add accept png jpe g messages accept Only jpeg jpg or png images How to add this function in validator plugin..

How to code php function or set parameters to return NO height values for images?


preg_quote matches2 0 ' ' .' ' chk_imglink ' a . href . . jpe g png gif ^ '. preg_quote matches2 0 ' ' .' ' if flg_img_forcelink..

UPDATED: mod_rewrite and POST method in PHP problem, $_POST is always empty


^ . http www. HTTP_HOST 1 R 301 L RewriteRule . css jpe g gif png L RewriteCond REQUEST_URI ^ ^ . ^ RewriteRule ^ ...

Virus/malware modifying .htaccess on Joomla CMS website


like this Order deny allow Deny from all FilesMatch . jpe g bmp png Allow from all FilesMatch If your host hasn't blocked..