

php Programming Glossary: jsondata

Converting NSArray -> JSON -> NSData -> PHP server ->JSON representation


NSArray info NSArray arrayWithArray arrayOfDicts NSData jsonData NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject info options NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted.. ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL url request setPostValue jsonData forKey @ songs request setDelegate self request.tag TAG_LOAD_SONGS.. arrayWithArray arrayOfDicts And Sent it like this NSData jsonData NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject info options NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted..

Upload an image with jquery ajax with a duplicate-able input


type POST url mail.php dataType json data parameters jsonData How would i make the plugin work with my form of submission..

Get file content from a URL?


on your PHP configuration this may be a easy as using jsonData json_decode file_get_contents 'https chart.googleapis.com chart.. true curl_setopt curlSession CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true jsonData json_decode curl_exec curlSession curl_close curlSession Incidentally..

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?


url print ' p '.file_get_contents url .' p ' jsonData file_get_contents url echo jsonData body html php geocoding.. url .' p ' jsonData file_get_contents url echo jsonData body html php geocoding file get contents share improve this.. json address adr sensor false echo ' p '. url.' p ' jsonData file_get_contents url print ' p ' var_dump jsonData ' p ' #..

populate dropdown on selection of other dropdown


Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location Using Lat,Long coordinates


data @file_get_contents url parse the json response jsondata json_decode data true if we get a placemark array and the status.. array and the status was good get the addres if is_array jsondata jsondata 'Status' 'code' 200 addr jsondata 'Placemark' 0 'address'.. the status was good get the addres if is_array jsondata jsondata 'Status' 'code' 200 addr jsondata 'Placemark' 0 'address' N.B...

json_decode to array


on line 6 code php json_string 'http www.domain.com jsondata.json' jsondata file_get_contents json_string obj json_decode.. 6 code php json_string 'http www.domain.com jsondata.json' jsondata file_get_contents json_string obj json_decode jsondata print_r.. jsondata file_get_contents json_string obj json_decode jsondata print_r obj 'Result' php json json decode share improve..

having trouble with jqgrid dataUrl function code segment


var row_id '#tab3 grid' .getGridParam 'selrow' var jsondata JSON.stringify cu.STID '#tab3 grid' .jqGrid 'getCell' row_id.. row_id 'wv.SVID' return 'php items se script.php data ' jsondata Does anyone know whats going on UPDATE name 'it.PRID' index..