

php Programming Glossary: json_encode

How to access object properties with names like integers?


is to use the built in JSON functions arr json_decode json_encode myVar true value arr 'highlighting' '448364' 'Data' '0' The..

PHP Create a Multidimensional Array from an array with relational data [duplicate]


need to create a multidimensional array and run it through json_encode . I also believe this method used to do this needs to be recursive.. 0 remove 0 if there could be more than one root nodes echo json_encode makeRecursive array array 'id' 5273 'parent' 0 'name' 'John..

GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging)


true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS json_encode fields Execute post result curl_exec ch Close connection curl_close..

Pass a PHP string to a Javascript variable (and escape newlines)


on someone else's answer script var myvar php echo json_encode myVarValue script This does require PHP 5.2.0 or greater. share..

How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?>


of passing PHP variables to JavaScript. You can also use json_encode for more complex things like arrays php simple 'simple string'.. var simple ' php echo simple ' var complex php echo json_encode complex script Other than that if you really want to interact..

json_encode is returning NULL?


is returning NULL For some reason the item description returns.. array while row mysql_fetch_assoc result rows row echo json_encode rows Here is the schema for my database CREATE TABLE `staff`..

JSON encode MySQL results




as well. We can easily serialize deserialize via php's json_encode and json_decode and do whatever we want with that data without..

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function


PHP variable. script type text javascript var obj php echo json_encode php_variable script In your code you could use like the following.. you could use like the following drawChart 600 50 php echo json_encode day ... In cases where you need to parse out an object from..

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP


a large associative array and then outputs the data using json_encode . Here is an example script Data array 'a' 'apple' 'b' 'banana'.. 'c' 'catnip' header 'Content type text javascript' echo json_encode Data The above code yields the following output a apple b banana.. 5.4 offers the JSON_PRETTY_PRINT option for use with the json_encode call. http php.net manual en function.json encode.php php .....

json_decode returns NULL after webservice call


after webservice call There is a strange behaviour with json_encode and json_decode and I can't find a solution My php application..

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)


method to store PHP arrays json_encode vs serialize I need to store a multi dimensional associative.. fillArray 0 5 Time json encoding start microtime true json_encode testArray jsonTime microtime true start echo JSON encoded in.. seconds br Compare them if jsonTime serializeTime echo json_encode was roughly . number_format serializeTime jsonTime 1 100 2 ...